Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So, Houghton and I have been realllly excited about the new movie, "The Last Airbender" which arrives tomorrow (if I'm not mistaken). We discovered that it is based on this anime/comic book style story. Paul put it on Netflix (watch instantly!). We all sat and watched the first 5 episodes (there are like 5 billion in total) it was pretty cool and we all did it together. Houghton (and Mary) have begged and pleaded to watch more. Let's just say Paul and I ask for updates, we are so far behind. I think Houghton has a new obsession. I also have to say I think he gets it from me. I pretty much get into something and totally jump in and the one thing is my obsession for a period of time. Fortunately, for Houghton, it's pretty much books. He's reading several different series' right now. From Lemony (sp?) Snickets, Artemis Fowl, and some cat series called Warriors. He has also started reading my Harry Potter books. I do wonder sometimes though if he actually comprehends what he reads. We try to catch him and every time we quiz him, he answers, so maybe just like me, he's a fast reader.

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