Monday, August 20, 2012

Here we go again

Week 3 begins today!  I can't believe the kids have already completed 2 weeks of school.

I think we're settling in nicely.  Well, the kids are.  I'm still trying to find structure to my day.
Simon and I get to hang out together during the day and it's nice.  I am trying to get into a routine for Simon's sake and to get out of the house but so far, it's not working very well. 

I have many things around the house that need to be organized/cleaned up.  And these aren't the things that are "nice to do".  They are functional things.  Like cleaning up my desk and all the piles surrounding it.  Also, the kitchen is kind of a mess. (I did organize our dishes though :)

I have also begun purging all the baby things we no longer need.  I have Simon in a "big boy" bed and have removed his changing table.  I had to clean out his closet and have relocated most of my craft stuff to my room (hence the messy piles). 

I have lots of ideas and am pretty much swimming in indecisiveness with my organizational skills.

I am now home full time, it's absolutely awesome and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I am however trying to manage my new role at home and I am overwhelmed.  The bad part about that is... I tend to do nothing when overwhelmed, instead of just picking something and doing it.  That's also where all my ideas and well meanings get stuck. I am doing enough to get by around here and well, I'm not happy with that.  I do have to say my awesome hubby has been super supportive and patient with me. 

Facebook & Pinterest have sucked me in BIG TIME!  I am trying to avoid them but....not always so good at it.

Maybe I'll at least post some pics of my projects...if I get to them :)

Saturday, November 06, 2010


On a quick side note, I love spelling. I loved winning the classroom spelling bee in elementary school. Is it strange that I click on the "spellcheck" button for the blog just to have it tell me "no misspellings found"? (I need the affirmation) It makes me smile.


I had a wonderful time this afternoon/evening. I am so glad our friends are back!!! I was looking through some coupons/emails and realized I missed the one for 40% off at the Gap. I felt sad for, oh, about 5 seconds. I then realized I traded it in for an awesome spontaneous afternoon with our great friends and all the kids at the zoo and then at our house for dinner. I wouldn't miss that for 40% off.

Now I have to download all the pictures I took, that may not happen for a while but I know I got some good ones, so I think that's an incentive :)

Some times, It just takes saying "sure why not?" to bring me out of the blues ;)

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


I was wondering, I am doing the right things by the kids. While I am in limbo, part-time working and staying at home, I wonder. I like my job, I do NOT like getting up at 3:30am. I miss my husband. I feel the gaps getting wider and wider. Then, we have a few stolen minutes to catch up on schedules and "Oh yeah, did I mention...?" I daydream of being able to wake up and make breakfast that's not previously frozen or requires milk in a bowl. (unless they want it) I love the thought of kissing my husband good-bye on his way out the door. Is it totally June Cleaver, sure but I think it's the connection mostly. In reality I am sure it wouldn't happen all the time or be the norm but, I would like the opportunity. I am pleasantly content with our situation it can always be worse. I know our goals and we're working toward them. I think I may even be more patient than Paul on this. I also wonder what our days would be like without running to extra-curricular activities...I get glimpses of it on days where we have a day off from them or kids are sick. I realize what could be, what I think I might like. I also remind myself that I wouldn't get out as much and I would probably eventually be sad and miss my friends sooner rather than later. I does help that we have kids that get along and have activities together.
I am insecure. I would hope that they would not forget about me or just not call to invite me out. I have that fear, not being liked. (I am being my own shrink now too) I feel inadequate. I want to be active and go out and belong and play with my kids. I also want to lay on the couch watching nothing particular on TV and take a nap. (showering optional) I guess right now I am somewhere in between. Small victories?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feng Shui

Is the reason I have so many ideas and projects started due to the fact my desk is a mess? I have become the queen of half-finished projects. I say...I just need more time. And here I am....damn computer! I don't know where to start (again). The project that is easier to complete hence the "accomplishment" or the ones that are in the most way?? Aaarrgh. I think my next disk of Mad Men has arrived. I have too much TV to catch up on. Thank God for Hulu. What? I can do that can't I?? I thank Him for my family, friends too. I think I need a snack, some energy to fuel my indecision....hmmm, yup that sounds good....

Friday, September 03, 2010

A month gone by...

Let's see... Houghton is now 10, Mary has started Kindergarten and Simon has developed opinions of his own...

This was taken on Mary's first day of about 3 weeks ago.

Houghton is learning the benefits of keeping a planner...slowly but it's coming along.

Mary has managed to find the kids who don't listen during story time "annoying", asked pointedly, "why don't I have an ipod?" and point out that there is a "Man Mrs. Peoples" (the cutest by far! [Her teacher's name is Mrs. Peoples, and Mr. Peoples came to her class] I think it was so cute- Mary was genuinely surprised, so innocent :)



Here's the baby after a bath. I feel bad and understand how the baby of the family gets the reputation for being spoiled.

I figured an update was needed! I think I've missed a whole month!

I am enjoying my time home with him (even though he naps for a big part of it). We had a nice time the other day just him and I playing on the floor and does wonders for the psyche!