Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Happy Birthday Simon

Whew, where did the year go? Simon is now a big boy, (and still mama's baby!) He turned 1 on Friday. Good Friday indeed :) We had a wonderful backyard bbq on Saturday with a great turnout. It was fun and it has been while since we've actually had people over. We have waayy to much food and the kids loved running around outside all afternoon. Simon got his own cake and really enjoyed mushing it. Once he realized he could eat it, well, he sampled a few bites....but mostly enjoyed making a mess. It was nice enough he ate on the back porch and then got to have a nice bath (courtesy of Grandma).

I have not realized how much fun it was to have good friends and food! (And how much I've missed it) We had a great time and everyone enjoyed themselves (I am assuming on that one).

Simon is getting bigger and so grown up. It's very bittersweet. I love snuggling with him and cuddling with him before bed. He crawls everywhere and loves to see what everyone else is up to. He loves to get into his brother & sisters room to their dismay :) We have a gate to put up but well, we're in no hurry, I really think they need to figure it out. Plus they've kept their room cleaner so that Simon won't get into everything.

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