Saturday, August 02, 2008

Where o' where has the time gone??

Just a small note, No I have not disappeared....though the though has occurred. We have been busy trying to fit everything in before school starts next week. This weekend is Houghton's last swim meet for the summer he'll have 3 weeks off before the fall season starts. ( I have no idea what I will do with all of his energy...he's going to be bouncing off the walls!!)

I am very proud of myself. I sat out in the heat (under the my new chair!) and made sure I drank enough fluids. I actually came home this afternoon and did not feel the beginnings of heat exhaustion!!! I know that could be really bad but I made sure to stay hydrated...the bad part of it all is that I don't like to drink I improvised and used the crystal light to go packs with water and drank gatorade.

Houghton did really well and dropped time in the 3 events he swam....he continually amazes me with how much he improves!

We're off to church now (since we'll be at the meet tomorrow) more to come.......

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