Thursday, May 22, 2008


We now officially have 2 choir singers in the family! Houghton had his audition this afternoon for the Phoenix Boys Choir and was accepted. He was extremely proud and very excited. He was even more excited when he found out that he gets to sing with Paul (the Men's choir) at the Christmas concert! He told anyone and everyone who was around the good news. We now have a 'new parent' meeting to go to next week. I am sure we'll get all of the gory details and the parental, time, more money etc. Fortunately, we're prepared! Paul is somewhat familiar with the goings on around there! Georg (director) seemed to be quite pleased and wants to use Paul and Houghton for marketing!! I am sure Houghton might like it more than Paul. We'll see. I am just glad that the training choir does not go away for camp!! I am not ready for that drama yet!!!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Congrats to Houghton! That is so cool. I wish we could be there for the Christmas concert.