Monday, July 19, 2010

Not much to report

So, I am very overwhelmed and no energy to care! Nothing new, just a messy house, laundry piles, messy desk and so on. When I finally get some time without the kids, I am to tired, enjoy the peace and quiet and don't know where to start. It's frustrating!

Ok, done now.

On a different note- I have been waiting forever! for Simon to say "mama" (and really mean it) We have been in training on this...and now....HE WON'T STOP! While it's great, he doesn't just say it all cute. HE SCREAMS IT! That's my "be careful what you wish for" moment I guess. (He is still cute as a button though)

Coming up- Houghton's state swim meet (for Long course, in case you cared to know the difference)

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