Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So, Houghton and I have been realllly excited about the new movie, "The Last Airbender" which arrives tomorrow (if I'm not mistaken). We discovered that it is based on this anime/comic book style story. Paul put it on Netflix (watch instantly!). We all sat and watched the first 5 episodes (there are like 5 billion in total) it was pretty cool and we all did it together. Houghton (and Mary) have begged and pleaded to watch more. Let's just say Paul and I ask for updates, we are so far behind. I think Houghton has a new obsession. I also have to say I think he gets it from me. I pretty much get into something and totally jump in and the one thing is my obsession for a period of time. Fortunately, for Houghton, it's pretty much books. He's reading several different series' right now. From Lemony (sp?) Snickets, Artemis Fowl, and some cat series called Warriors. He has also started reading my Harry Potter books. I do wonder sometimes though if he actually comprehends what he reads. We try to catch him and every time we quiz him, he answers, so maybe just like me, he's a fast reader.

Monday, June 28, 2010


It is now a good way through the summer and I am feeling like I've done a lot and nothing at the same time. I think I need a sense of accomplishment...I have several pending projects/ideas. Hopefully by next weekend we'll have Mary's room done. I have got most of the prep work done and we purchased the supplies and new blinds for her room.

The kids have also requested that their parents don't suck this year and take them out to actually watch a live fireworks display. Paul and I are trying to figure out how to do that and minimize our time outside where the highs right now are 112! Stay tuned!

Coming up...a little vaca to Tucson for Mateo's first b-day party (and a stay at LaPaloma for us)



He loves this play table, he takes the top off and climbs inside. The other picture is my new favorite! I love when just snapping away I manage to get a gem.

He's almost 15 months and still not walking. He will now let us hold his hands while walking though and if he wants something enough (and isn't paying attention) he'll take a few steps. I have only witnessed 2, however, it has been reported he took 5.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dinner, Costco style

Here's a recipe that I improvised and got my kids to eat vegetables. I actually do have kids that eat vegetables. Paul and I love stuffed bell peppers. That was one meal I could make and feel "fancy". I made this when Mary was about 2 and it didn't go over very well. Houghton even took to complaining. Then I had a brainstorm. I discovered that it wasn't that they didn't like bell peppers, they just didn't like them stuffed with all the goo. Sooooo, I unstuffed them! GENIUS!

The recipe is simple: brown the ground beef, add diced bell peppers, cooked rice, spaghetti sauce and shredded cheese, stir until cheese is melted (a minute or 2 at most) and wa-lah, dinner that kids will eat (at least mine will). The kids are actually relieved when they ask whats for dinner and this is what they're getting.

I call it "Costco style" since I pretty much get all of my groceries there. (Houghton eats as much/more than the adults!) and we like leftovers so, Costco is a great deal. (I get the ground beef, rice, spaghetti sauce & shredded cheese there) However, the recipe will work with wherever you shop for groceries.

I use 2lb ground beef
2-3c of cooked white rice
1 lg jar of spaghetti sauce
4-5 good size green bell peppers diced
~2c shredded cheese

This one is easy to adjust to preferences, add more/less sauce, cheese & bell peppers to taste.

(and it reheats really well too!)


I had an entire post all set up, then I had to take care of something. I don't even remember what it was at this point and when I came back, the computer was not cooperating and I couldn't recover and post my blog. Guess it wasn't that important.