Sunday, March 01, 2009

Baby update

Well, I am getting done....ok I am really done...with work, crazy children/husband schedules etc....Oh and the pregnancy thing. I apparently look great....maybe I'll actually have Paul take a picture since I don't really have any prego pics. Many people, ones I know, and ones I don't comment on how great I look. It makes me do pregnant women look to others? Not sure but I do know I have not gained a large amount of weight, which is good...I have a little extra to begin with! On the last visit to the doc however, we had a discussion about delivery and inducing.

I have been adamant about waiting for nature to take it's course. Up until last week that is. Did I mention that I am done??? We are tentatively working towards a 4/2 baby. It just feels right....I still however, have no incling as to whether I might have a boy or a girl. NO idea. With Mary, I knew. This one....nope, nada, nothing. It will be a surprise for sure! Paul, Houghton and Mary now are rooting for a boy. Me, doesn't matter.

So at my next appointment in 2 weeks...we'll discuss the progress and determine whether I'll actually have a baby early. That would be a change of pace for me!!

Also, FYI's really HOT! It was like 87 degrees out today. I am so glad I do not have to be pregnant during the summer again. I am already warm!!!

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