Sunday, July 29, 2007

Catch up

Okay, so I did go out at midnight to get the book. It was very exciting and I didn't even get to start reading it until 12noon on Saturday. I took me until Wed. to finish...that part I was sad about. I am however very pleased with it. That's all I am going to write about it. If you would like to talk about!!

I received wonderful wishes and great presents for my birthday. It was a very happy day and one filled with reminders that I am loved ( and liked!) So I was (and am ) grateful for all I have.

Mary has hit those "terrible" twos...She is quite the contrary one now. It is very funny but quite annoying all the same. She has started singing. She just decided this morning to bust out "twinkle, twinkle, little star" The WHOLE song too!! We were quite impressed. At dinner, she started counting all of the glasses...albeit only up to number 3, but seeing as we never really discussed the order and all, she got it right!!!

Grandma babysat last night (Sat.) so that Paul and I could enjoy dinner with his colleagues for the "passers" dinner. (YEA!!) It was a nice time for us and we are looking forward to the trip to Chicago in Nov. I believe I have accomplished my goal of having 3 dates with my husband this summer. I am also excited because we have another date coming up next weekend when we go to Tucson!!

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