Thursday, October 19, 2006

Wow, it doesn't seem like 2 weeks since I last updated. Well, Mary is sick, again, the same snot ridden head and cough as before. I am told it's only a cold but well, I might be seeing the doc again soon. I took her and Houghton last week for shots. A flu shot for Houghton and Mary's one year stuff. They were great...Houghton cried before he even got the shot and when it was done said, "that was it??". I think he was being influenced by his sister. Her shots were in the arm and she didn't like it. We had a busy weekend and the soccer game was rained out. It has now officially gotten "chilly". I think if I said cold, everyone who lives where it's actually cold might want to hurt me. Lets say I need a sweater at night and we are eating dinner on the patio....except I am still getting bit by mosquitoes. (Only me!!) Paul is getting closer to his exam and I am getting nervous. I know he is too but I am trying to be supportive and not the "slave driver" He's been great though....For getting a little extra study time in the late afternoon, he makes dinner while I get the kids to the various activities!!! Besides...I usually pick something to grill....Then he has an excuse to have a beer!!!

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