Tuesday, October 03, 2006


As of last Monday, I am officially a stay-at-home mom! If you would've asked me 6 years ago what I thought....I would say you were crazy. So a little time goes by, another kid in the mix....and I LOVE IT!! Granted it's only been a week and a half, but I have big plans. I get to spend time being lazy, playing with Mary (who has the best giggles around!), take Houghton to various activities and even have play dates!! Being so busy this past week I wonder how I ever thought school would fit in. I haven't even found it a challenge to stay out of stores. I really don't have the desire to shop these days!!! OOOOOH!!! What was that .....yes and for 2 reasons...1)girls clothes, shoes etc, there are tooo many to choose from and Mary made out like a bandit for her birthday (thanks guys!!) She is sooo set for the fall/winter!! and 2) Yes, I am getting over being sick. I am still figuring out how to manage laundry, TTS, and dinner all in a days work....and I am still rebelling against my mom.....I hate housework!!! (but I do it anyway!)

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