Monday, October 30, 2006

Doody, Doody

This is great!! (Only because it didn't happen to me!)
Paul was giving the kids a bath right before choir practice and right after dinner.
Houghton said "Uh-Oh, Mary pooped!!" and Poop she did!! It filled her tub....which divides the tub so Houghton can have some space and Mary is still too little for the big tub! Paul promptly threw the kids out and was grossed out....but the good guy he is cleaned out the tubs!! And scrubbed his arms and left for choir!! Mary was quite amused with herself and I had a good chuckle too!! I don't think Houghton ever did that when he was little and this is the first time Mary has so maybe we're blessed?? Then I wondered....has this happened to anyone else?

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