Monday, August 14, 2006


I have finished working my obligated hours for the month of Aug. I do enjoy it more now then when I was doing it day in and day out. I guess now that I have time to do other things and spend more time with the kids it's nice. We are gearing up for school, which starts next week. (for me and Houghton). Fortunately I doesn't get cool around here until Oct. so we don't have to rush out and get to many school clothes yet!! I have plenty of activities planned for the coming months and with school and Houghtons activities I am already feeling the crunch. I do think that we'll get into the groove and with planning it might actually be enjoyable! Houghton has decided to do swimming and soccer....I know...the dreaded oversheduling....we're going to see how it goes. I have no problem suspending either activity!! Mary on the other hand well she talks as much as her mamma!! She has a lot to say, just not sure what it is. She'll let ya know if you don't have it right though!! She is a doll. I call her my little Irish baby....She's got blue eyes and I think reddish blonde hair (not too much of it though). Right now we're working on the sleeping through the night thing. She was doing great for a while but it seems that every so often we have to do it again. Fortunately for me, I don't have anywhere to be in the mornings. Doesn't make it easier in the middle of the night though!! Ok well,enough rambling for now....more pictures soon!!

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