Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Wow, has it been that long???

Ok, really quick before I have to run Houghton to choir.... most recently we were in Tucson this past weekend. Houghton participated in the Ironkids triathlon...that's right ....swim, bike, run....good thing he's young!! He did AWESOME...for not having done one before and riding uphill in a bike without gears!!! He really did well!!! We had a nice time and the weather is finally cooling off!

I am still enjoying my job. I am now starting even earlier....5am!! I do like it though...it's getting enough time in my day to get things done....hopefully this earlier time will actually do that. Crazy I know.

We're just chuggin along. Simon is now 6 months old! He's talking (cooing actually) and whistles (on accident) He's quite cute. My little monkey!

Mary is well, Mary. She still doesn't sleep much, which in and of itself is not a problem...it's the crankiness that comes with not having enough sleep I have trouble with. Otherwise she's an adorable 4 year old now :) Still dancing, playing dress up and just being a girl....

1 comment:

Kathy said...

You should post more often but I bet you are busy! It's great to get the updates though.