Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What's up

So, lets see.... Simon is 6months now and we're trying out food. He seems to like it ok but we haven't found the magic time for dinner where he's receptive to eating but not starving.

Houghton ran in the Ironkids triathlon in Tucson 2 weeks ago. He did sooo awesome! I am so proud of him. Just watching the kids do that makes me exhausted.

Mary is well...Mary, she's such a good girl these days. She loves her dance class and is doing so well. I can see such improvement when she follows the teacher.

I am working full time and enjoying having an early schedule however, 3am comes pretty early, especially since Simon has now decided he wants to eat at 4am, I feel bad because he usually waits until I don't have time to feed him and get ready for work so I have to wake Paul. I am sure he would appreciate not having to interrupt his sleep.

We are excited for next week, my baby brother will be coming to visit!! YAY!!
I am sad though I think our next few weekends are too busy to go to the pumpkin patch this year. I do have to say it's difficult because I want to be in the fall spirit but it will be 95 DEGREES!!! this weekend....UGH!!! it's frustrating because I love the weather and well, there really aren't any seasons in Phoenix.

It's frustrating because I really want to do stuff with the kids and create memories, not just rush them here to there and nag nag nag....especially since Paul is no longer studying it should be easier right????

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