Monday, July 20, 2009

Feeling much so I can't even spell (Ok, I looked it up)

So, what did I do to deserve a psycho daughter. Really, she belongs to my sister. She was(is) the girly girl, ever popular and emotional one. My Miss Mary will cry at the drop of a hat. No kidding. It's not real it's just that in her head she has imagined some major slight and the world is now against her. She has become (or is trying to) the boss of her brothers. Being the oldest I really was the boss (in my own mind) sooo she likes to 'tattle' or at least "report" on the goings on. When she's reminded by me or her "other mother" Ulli (the great German child raiser) (babysitter seems so unencompassing of what she actually does) we have a meltdown, hence her pseudonym (Meltdown Mary) My mouth drops and I cannot believe what I am hearing as I hope the glass nearby does not shatter, Mary having a cow. With the nicest of corrections or mention of finding something else to do besides tattle, we melt. It's realllly annoying. Really! It is so much so I am contemplating having a drink at 8:30am....and not coffee (unless there's Bailey's involved) .

I have become the Queen of parentheses. I am now drinking 2, yes 2, cups of coffee in the morning....whoa....lots for me ok??? Especially since it's really coffee with my cream and sugar. (Ok, coffeemate and sugar....but I'm lactose intolerant otherwise it's 1/2 & 1/2..mmmm)
I digress.....

So, onto the other one, I feel like such a Houghton that is. Paul bought into it so he has to put up with it. I am constantly reminded that he's "only 8" (for 2 more weeks anyway) but really do I have to mention to brush your teeth over the sink or to no throw the ball against the wall in your bedroom when it's time for bed??? really?? I do remind him gently 3 or 4 times before I just go "come on dude...really" I just don't get it....I know he's at a disadvantage with that Y chromosome and all but I had hope.....
He is looking forward to the last week of day camp. There is a talent show on Thurs. He's going to sing "God Bless America" with another boy there who is also in the choir with him. I am really nervous because as much as I love his enthusiasm, he really does take after me in the singing department. I hope that this year in choir helps a little. Otherwise, not so good. I hate to say it but well, I must be a realist.

I realized that this is a rambling post. It's my blog, my birthday, so deal with it. I'll cry if I want to.

Continuing feeling inadequate, and yes, I had to look it up, the spelling that is. I cannot let my reputation as a great speller be defiled by a misspelling.

Anyhoo....My ability to do laundry or complete a housecleaning task has dissipated. Not like it was really great to begin with. I have the skills and know-how but the drive, energy desire, nope, nada, zilch, zero. So much so I have taken to giving my socks (that are too small) to my son, who reminds me every morning that he has no clean socks. (never mind I just bought 3 new pkgs. ...but those are for school).....and my kids are picking out their clothes from the albeit clean but unfolded laundry basket in my room....sorry Mom.

My goal, (on my b-day nonetheless) is to get all of the laundry done. Or at least most of it....I do know that there is pizza and wine and friendship waiting for me at the end of the I'll feel less of the Catholic guilt if I do laundry....even on my b-day.


Kathy said...

I hope you have a great bday even if it does include laundry. Welcome to Motherhood. LOL You sound a bit on the tired side - or drunk but given you have 3 kids and one is still wee I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

BTW- I have no idea why I am part owner of your blog. I can post on your blog. I mistakenly did write my post on yours rather than mine since I am an author on yours too. Then I deleted it.

Molsmomof3 said...

Hmmm...I don't know how this blog thing works. I was trying to figure out how to make it "public" so that everyone could see so I could pretend I have a life people would care to check in on. I have no idea what I am doing.

I actually don't mind the laundry so much. It was nice to have a day and get most of it done (in peace since the kids were elsewhere).

I am tired, probably bordering on mild depression but that's because I got "fired" but that's another post in and of itself. (loooong story)

Kathy said...

Oh no! I knew you were facing lay offs. What happened? What are you looking for now?