Friday, January 16, 2009


So, my most recent dilemna (aside from not blogging since waaaay before the holidays) is facebook or not to facebook?? Paul and I have had this discussion as well as one I had with Julia. I am not sure really that I have anything exciting or really any friends. What exactly would I do with it?? Not sure, especially seeing as I cannot keep up with blogging these days.

Speaking of which...I do have lots to talk about and pictures to post but I am currently on duty trying to get 2 wound up kids to clean up and go to bed since Paul has checked out to go study.
Lucky for me though he did clean the kitchen which had about 4 days of dirty pots and pans etc piled up. I might forget to mention it to him's awesome!!! With him studying, I get to do more dishes than I care to. Oh well......

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