Sunday, March 02, 2008

I am not sure what exactly to title this one.

Paul and I went out to dinner for the "Passer's Dinner" while my mom babysat and took the kids to Houghton's school 'county fair' They had all kinds of carnival stuff, food and auctions, a cake walk (Mary's fav.-she wanted the cupcake no walking for it) etc etc. It was at the school right around the corner from our house.

They had a ferris wheel and bungee jumping. Yes, Bungee jumping. Guess what Mary did? One guess, only one. Yup, she did the bungee jumping. The first thing Houghton and my mother told me when we got home was..."you'll NEVER believe what Mary did" Nope, and noone had a camera either. So, I really have no proof. But, it is the thing where the strap you in and you jump and they pull your legs so that you go higher and higher. Mary apparently went really high and cried and screamed when her turn was over. That's my girl!!! (and my mom HAD to by a cake for Mary too!!)

1 comment:

KAT said...

Wow! Adventurous!