Saturday, February 17, 2007

Valentine's Day

How did this ever get to be such a big commercial deal? I admit I am a sucker for least I used to be. Now that it's during the week I am to busy worrying about getting the kids stuff ready. For the day as well as the "valentine party" at school. Since I am home now, I am able to help out....last year I couldn't even get the time off! I do like it...and it keeps me from wishing for something special from my valentine.

I am proud to say however that I have trained Paul well (after 13 years!) he has faced the wrath of a lover scorned too many times in the past I suppose to even pretend not to notice that the holiday was coming. He planned a surprise dinner out...even got a babysitter! I really was not expecting anything....REALLY!!! So it was nice....we even got a little thunderstorm!! I got to get dressed up and enjoy a glass of wine with dinner! Then afterwards we went to DQ! I was craving soft serve and the desserts at the restaurant were a little pretentious for me.

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