Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sad News...

This past weekend Houghton and I got to spend some quality time together! We went to a birthday party and grocery shopping for our Super Bowl party. While loading groceries into the car (the store is actually in walking distance to the house) we heard a poor dog getting hit. The car took off and several people from the parking lot went to help. We loaded up very fast and drove over to the dog. He was on the side of the road with another neighbor. He (the dog) did not have a tag but looked cared for. We called the EAMT and waited with the dog. Houghton was great and very caring. We got the info to check on the dog but it didn't look good (he couldn't walk) after calling....we were told he was euthanised. I figured that's what would've happened but it really hurt! I wish we could find out who hit the dog and string them up....How could you hit ANYTHING and NOT stop!!!???? I did tell Houghton (after much debate) what happened. He cried. I did explain to him that we helped the dog and comforted him and they did all they could do to help him. He understood, I think as much as a 6 year old can. He was sad but glad we helped. Then this morning after running an errand I discovered "lost dog" signs by the house....it was him!! I had to do the sad duty of telling this poor woman what happened to her dog. I am glad that I did have the info for her to call the Humane Society so she could have some closure.....Sometimes doing the right thing is very, very sad.

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