Thursday, October 23, 2008

How to deal?

So, it seems the last two evenings getting the kids to bed has been a chore. Why is it Mary insists on screaming and arguing?
Now that they share a room, it's not so easy to let her cry it out. Poor Houghton, the kid just wants to go to sleep!
The trick I discovered was to spank Mary (yup, firmly believe in it!) (she does have a diaper on!) and put her in her timeout chair in the living room. Keep in mind the lights around the house are in nighttime mode so basically it's dark except for a few strategic nightlights. Anyway, I leave her in there for about 3 minutes and ta-daa....she's calm and ready for bed. So, I asked her, "is this what it's going to take to get you to go to bed peacefully?" And her reply, "uh-huh".

UGH...what's a mother to do???

Thursday, October 16, 2008

More fair

So This is Paul and Houghton on the 'big' roller coaster!! I am not sure how this is in here twice but techno savvy!

Mary loved the carousel and it helped her get over the heartbreak of being too small for some of the rides!

Mary wanted to go on this very badly!! She waited at least 20 minutes...patiently!!! She got strapped in and bounced in the sky!!! We have video but I don't think you can see her face that well, it was priceless!!!

This was the second large slide the kids went on....I told them to race...I think Paul helped! I used to ride on these when I was a kid and was very sad I couldn't go on them!!!

Mary the daredevil she was not afraid to go on the fun house type climbing thing....Paul and I were just amazed....Houghton NEVER would have done it at 3 yrs. old!!! (of course as you can see he's ok now!)

Mary and Houghton on the kiddie roller coaster...up front! They had a blast!!
Mary kept calling it a train!

This is Mary after being told she is to little (short) to go on the 'big' roller coaster!!! I took quite a bit to get her to calm down....riding on the carousel (again) this time without Houghton helped!
Paul and Houghton on the 'big' coaster!!

We had a great time at the fair....even though we missed out on the kettle corn....GASP!! I know....but we had fry bread, corn dogs, frozen cheesecake on a stick and an apple dipper sundae and fruit smoothies!! (I know, I know...the fruit smoothies...way to healthy for the fair!) The weather was chilly (and windy!) we thought sweaters would be ok but once the sun went down we were ill prepared....unfortunately that's when we decided to sit down and eat our dessert...the frozen, cold stuff!! I know crazy...but we warmed up on the walk to the car!!!

The State Fair

Ok so Mary and her dance class had a performance at the AZ state fair last weekend. With the little kids, one parent had to be on stage with them. So naturally, Paul was the perfect candidate! Houghton and I watched from the front row. I tried to video....the operative word being tried!! I was on me knees in the grass, I did not know either that Paul and Mary would be directly behind the instructor!! I had to get creative....and I wanted to stay out of the way of others maybe videotaping as well! I was being polite!! Speaking of the middle of recording this parent who did not have a kid in Mary's class....asked me to move....Um, HELLO?! I am recording and trying to watch my daughters performance....It still irks me to no end when I think of it....and it happened not once but TWICE!! yes, twice!!! UH the gall of some people!!!

When the dance was over we spent several hours gorging on food and rides....fortunately I did not get to go on them....I did want to go on the big slides but well decided against it since the signs clearly stated no pregnant women (Yes, I am a rule follower).

If you click on this link you can see Paul and Mary dance (and my bad recording job!) I promise next year it will be better!!!
( I also could not figure out how to just post the video not the techno savvy, sorry)

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

They said what?!?!

Paul: "Mary, don't step on your brother's head and Houghton don't put your head where Mary can step on it!"

Paul: "Mary, you're the best!"

Mary: "No, Dad, I'm the cutest!"

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Binky No More!

As of Sunday, we have put the 'binky' away. Mary is having a little difficluty adjusting but we're getting there! She is very proud and tells everyone how she's a "big girl" now. (Also, she points out that the binky's are being put away for the baby in Mommy's tummy!!) She did come to me (after being put to bed) to ask if she could have it....then stuck out her bottom lip and tears welled up in her eyes. I had to be strong and not give in because well, I can't be weak. (she's just too darn cute!!!) She settled for an extra blanky which, we have discussed is something you can keep forever. (Binky's are for babies!!)