Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Reading Machine

Ok I might have a slight problem. It all started the Thurs. before last. I had the day off and did my usual costco shopping. I found really inexpensive a series of books I wanted to read. So, I started Thurs afternoon and pretty much did not stop unless I fell asleep in the book or I had to go to work. Needless to say I managed to finish all four 500+ pg books in 5 days. Yes, I neglected my family, shirked my duties and Paul cooked dinner.
What can I say, I can't put a good book down! It was the Vampire series by Stephanie Meyer. They are supposed to be young adult/teen reading but I found them fascinating (obviously). I also heard that the first book "Twilight" is being made into a movie to come out this winter.....hmmmm I am not always a big fan of making books into movies but who knows I could be bored one weekend. They are good books so if anyone is interested....check them out!!

Time Flys

Wow, this was much much easier when I wasn't working so much. Not only that, I am juggling after school activities etc.....this fall we all have activities!

Our weekends have been full of rearranging, naps and plenty of cleaning. (did I mention Naps?) Mary has started dance classes and I am getting around to getting the pictures.

Houghton has started choir practice and I am already helping out during rehearsals etc. (didn't take long!) Between homework, reading, book reports swim, choir, and RE we've got our hands full. Mary has dance on Saturdays, and Sunday school (on Sundays!). I am taking a bible study class Thurs. evenings and Paul is taking a church class on Wed. evenings and has choir Mondays and every other Thurs. (So don't hate us if we don't answer the phone!!) makes me insane just looking at the list!!! We're still working on the logistics but so far no major mishaps and everyone is where they are supposed to be.

It has been nice having Paul with us during the usual study season. I am really going to be spoiled come January when he has to study again. It's kind of funny because you'd think we'd be spending more time together but it doesn't seem to work out that well. We are catching up on The Office however, not as quick as Paul would like. I am getting up early for work etc and I don't do well with little sleep. I go to bed much earlier than Paul. He's a night owl and without having to get up for work he'd live like a college student.

OK, I'm done whining now......maybe (did I mention how Paul hates my indecisiveness?)