Sunday, October 28, 2007

My Soccer Star

This is actually a picture from last weeks game however, I am a little behind in getting them from the camera to the computer.
He really is having fun playing and they finally scored the first goals of the season!! It was a joyous occasion for the team!! It was a tough game, they were evenly matched.
There was one kid on the team who was such a bully and the coach told Houghton to stick like glue to him to keep him from getting the ball.
The trick worked and Houghton has found his calling. About 1 minute after Houghton started his assignment the kid was getting really mad and shoved Houghton and got "yellow carded" (a warning before you get 'red carded' and kicked out) So it was a great moment for our team. He also played defense and had some really good blocks and passes. Amazingly he is improving especially since we have missed practice due to scheduling.
Houghton's results from his most recent swim meet are in. He received a first place!! in the 100m Backstroke! He also got 2 second places for the 50m & 100m freestyle. He also swam the 50m breaststroke but he was DQ'd....which is par for the course at this age.
We also just had parent teacher conferences with his teacher. She really enjoys him and is a joy in class. It was a relief since he is in the gifted cluster. I did discover that free writing is not his favorite thing which is OK since it wasn't mine either. I am really glad that he is doing well and getting along with his class. His teacher is impressed with how well they do as a class.
And he is also eating me out of house and home. His appetite is definitely growing! I can only imagine what's in store in the years to come. I do have to say it doesn't entirely surprise me since he is extremely active.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Where has the time gone?

Wow! I just realized I haven't posted in weeks!'s been busy. Now that we are in full swing with school, activities and work, I didn't realize how long it's been.

Houghton had his first swim meet of the season two weekends ago. He did really well and beat all of his times. He had his first soccer game last Saturday which they did lose but their coach was impressed with how well they did play. We have struggled with school a little bit. He's doing well with the's paying attention and "staying on task" so we have our work cut out for us!!

Mary is quite the pill. She decided to take a dip in the pool at Houghton's swim meet while no one was looking....after a good butt beating and scolding and my heart rate returned to normal, I enrolled her in swim lessons. So now she gets to swim too!!

Work is going well, crazy but good! I am trying to keep my schedule up and still get to everything at's not working so well these days. Oh well, I am trying to keep up but now I hoping just to not get too far behind.

Paul's exam is coming up on the 1st. He got busted yesterday...I caught him playing video he did go a study some!! It's crunch time!!! I am proud of him but he's sooo close...only 2 exams left...and next year SEATTLE!!