Saturday, August 18, 2007


Well, School starts Monday (the 20th) I have waited most of the summer for this!! I know Houghton is ready! We got to have a meet and greet with his class last Thursday which turned out to be great! His teacher was very impressed with him. He is in the "gifted cluster" which basically means "advanced" without the gifted designation given by the standardized tests. I am glad that they recognize the need for it in the school though. His teacher is really well liked and has been highly recommended.

He will also begin back with swimming and soccer again this fall. He is really looking forward to it all. I however, am not looking forward to all of the logistics. It takes a lot of advanced planning! Not only getting to and fro, but also homework, dinner, Mary, and Paul. (and work of course)

Speaking of Mary, she has been quite the Mama's girl lately. I don't mind but sometimes it's a little inconvenient. I think since last week I worked a lot of nights she didn't get to see me. Now she's having a little withdrawl. It's ok, I am glad she likes to cuddle some more now! We've fallen asleep in the rocker a couple of times :)

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