Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wow! What a whirlwind of activity!

Houghton had another swim meet. It was an intrasquad meet/holiday party. Houghton is very enthusiastic about swim now....he got 2- 3rd place ribbons, one for backstroke and one for freestyle...this was for the 8 & under so most of the kids he was competing against are older!!! We are very proud of him!! He's even swimming when it's 50 degrees outside...the pool is warm but I am not sitting out waiting for him!! I do get good use of my winter coat though!!

Mary is now walking...she started on Dec 3rd. She is now actually getting up to walk (instead of crawling when she falls!!) I hope to have some video soon!! She still talks so much and carries her little baby around with her. She gives it a binky and pats it on the back! This really make me wonder about that whole nature/nuture thing. She does have the same access to cars, trucks etc. but, it's all baby!!

I am keeping busy helping in Houghton's classroom and trying to get my house in order so that it looks like I am doing a good job while I am staying at home....just don't open any closets!! :)
I got done making dozens of sugar cookies for Houghton's class party which is should be interesting! Trying to get things together for Christmas is a daunting task! So far I am still in the Christmas spirit....and the wine bottle is only half empty!!!

Bad news on the exam front....Paul found out he didn't pass.....I really had to try and be strong for him...I think this may have hit me harder than him....not sure since he really isn't emotional.
I am going to try really hard this time around to help keep him motivated (and me) and take advantage of the support system I have. Paul is really good at turning things around so I think if he can feel good about it and feel like he's ahead of the game we should be good. He will be retaking test #7 in the spring....if he passes this one he'll have his associate-ship (which is one step closer to being done!!!) He only has 3 exams left to take.....He is being supported well at work and they are all pushing him to be the best he can be so there he is in a good place.....just cross your fingers and pray.....we'll be on this roller coaster again in May.

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