Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The British

On our way to swim lessons yesterday, Houghton informs me he told his teacher that we celebrate Hanukkah. I asked him when did we ever do that? He didn't have an answer. He did say that he learned that those who celebrate Hanukkah are British! After choking down my laugh and trying to be serious (I saw the error in his way); I asked, "British?" He said, "They have British names (those who celebrate Hanukkah). He said also that his teacher didn't think we had a "British" name. I informed Houghton that "British" are the people who are from Britain-a country. I asked, "do you mean 'Yiddish'?" He said yeah, it's a language.....Now that we were on the same page, I did inform him that we celebrate Christmas, not Hanukkah. And I was not about to get into the reasons/differences of the 2 religions....He didn't seem to mind either.

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