Thursday, August 13, 2009


***Editors note...I cannot figure out this blog it won't listen to me and post the comments by the appropriate picture. It's late and I am annoyed by this on many levels. So I think it's self explanatory so figure out the comments....enjoy!

This is Simon and Mateo. Simon, the chunky's cute now, but we might find a new nickname for him when he's older :) and Mateo the little cheeky guy...he's too adorable and I just looove this picture!

Paul & Mary at the LaPaloma Pool...Mary decided she wanted a piggy back ride from Daddy.

I had to include a picture of me. Not the best but the hat, a great hotel has SPF! and I felt left out...the only one without one. Not anymore...just remember...I just gave birth and that means I have belly...yucky!

Houghton on his first day of school....Houghton was quite the assistant...he wanted to make sure he got the backpack in the picture and picked out the pose etc.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Don't worry Molls, I'm still using that excuse for my belly - that I just gave birth. LOL Cute pics!