Thursday, August 13, 2009


***Editors note...I cannot figure out this blog it won't listen to me and post the comments by the appropriate picture. It's late and I am annoyed by this on many levels. So I think it's self explanatory so figure out the comments....enjoy!

This is Simon and Mateo. Simon, the chunky's cute now, but we might find a new nickname for him when he's older :) and Mateo the little cheeky guy...he's too adorable and I just looove this picture!

Paul & Mary at the LaPaloma Pool...Mary decided she wanted a piggy back ride from Daddy.

I had to include a picture of me. Not the best but the hat, a great hotel has SPF! and I felt left out...the only one without one. Not anymore...just remember...I just gave birth and that means I have belly...yucky!

Houghton on his first day of school....Houghton was quite the assistant...he wanted to make sure he got the backpack in the picture and picked out the pose etc.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I have become lazy.

Ok, so not really. I have always been lazy. Or energetically challenged :)

I have ignored my blog for facebook. Why write a whole post when just a sentence will do?

Houghton has officially started 4th grade, yesterday. I helped him to his classroom with all of the supplies then he turned to me and said, "You can go now Mom." I am at least thankful that I am still allowed to give him a kiss and hug in public, for now. Oh, how I love the eye rolling and emphatic "I am" that comes with this age.

Mary, Simon and I are hanging out today. I was trying to get some cleaning off the ground but got waylayed by a phone call and visitor. So, now while the pizza is heating up in the oven...gourmet all the way! and the kids are down for a nap, I am writing this.

This is my last week as an unemployed person. I have tons of paperwork and a pee test (which was accomplished yesterday) to complete! I will be working in the DoD department which will require a government security clearance...yay...lots of paperwork...

I am glad we had a chance to get away this past Tucson. We got to stay at LaPaloma...our favorite place...even if my sister didn't work there! 2 days really feels like 3 down there...we plan it so we don't really ever have to leave the hotel.

Hmmm...I think that's all for now.....lunch is calling (no, not the smoke detector)

Monday, August 03, 2009

On a happier note....

Houghton is 9 today. Wow...where'd the time go. He's such a great kid. He's sooo unassuming. He really was ho-hum about the whole thing. He and I went to see G-Force...actually a cute movie. Then we came home and he played wii. We even went to Sweet Tomatoes for dinner(he's been asking for that for a while) We then watched Star Wars Episode II...(he received the first 3 episodes on DVD) Then it was bedtime already. Where did the day go...just like that....

He's getting so much bigger/mature...the poor guy has to remain calm in the wake of his sister. She's the personality....I really have a hard time reading him sometimes and I wonder how I'm doing (in his eyes). I'm not sure I really want to know the answer. He will be brutally honest I'm sure.

School starts next Monday and I think he can't wait to get back to his friends. He's had a lonesome summer so we'll see.


Sometimes you come across something so touching and sad and just a reminder how life is so unfair it changes you. I wonder how life sometimes is cruel and it's just not fair. I have come across this blog by a remarkable woman at . It's completely voyeristic for me, I have not felt that my meager words could be of use to her. She lost her baby at 17 months...check out the blog for all the gory details...this happened on 4/7/09.

I really think my troubles are so trivial in's really a wake up call for me. I read her entries and try really hard not to just break down and sob. As a mother and woman I hope to God I never have to go through what she did and does on a daily basis. It just makes me kiss my kids and hold them that much closer. I hope I do a smidgen of a good job with what God has entrusted to me.

Sunday, August 02, 2009


Simon for some reason has been going on these little crying jags today. Ya know the cry that means something hurts. Oh it just tugs at those mommy heart strings! So I have been cuddling him after his bath and jammies. Sittin' in his rocker and cuddling. Ahhhh, I miss it already! I know I don't want any more kids but knowing that he'll never be this little again is so sad. I know that just around the corner he'll be squirming to get down off my lap. So, I took some extra time to snuggle and cuddle my littlest guy (while I still can).

Gotta go, the other two are looking for cuddles....still so sweet :)

I'm their mom and they're still little enough to cuddle!

Saturday, August 01, 2009


Well, for the past month or so we've been participating in the produce co-op. I love it!!! Yes, love it!

We get the usual suspects, lettuce, spinach, cantaloupe, apples, bananas, celery etc. but we ususally get something else...something that takes one out of their comfort zone. Previously, it's been zucchini, squash, bok choy, and this week........artichokes!

I know the kids usually don't eat them (I use the marinated kind in dinners) but they don't mind the flavor. I might get them to eat one since it's fresh and you dip them. Kids love dip...of any kind. Ketchup, ranch, mustard, whatever!

I am thrilled to try it out...I have already "googled" how to cook them and other recipies. Sometimes I don't even know what to do with the stuff I get. It's awesome. I love to cook and bake....just don't know how most of the time. It's great and so far the recipes have been a hit.

Now I just have to get more propane for the grill :)