Monday, April 21, 2008


We made it!! My Mom, Houghton, Mary and I walked 4.2 miles on Saturday morning. I was quite impressed that Mary stayed in the jogging stroller for 90% of it. (little legs can only go so fast) by then Houghton had his second wind and I was ready to be done...I really can't walk that slow! They had jumpy things for the kids and hot dogs and entertainment and vendors etc. It was really nice to help out a great cause. Many people walking had t-shirts with their angels on them with a brief story and it really was moving. I like that ...moving in a subtle way...not just shoved down your throat. I am kind of an introvert about that stuff. I think sometimes it's way too personal to just shout out to the world.

Anyway, I also caved. We turned on the a/c...well I did. I just couldn't handle it anymore!!!

I think the sun is sucking the life force out of me!!! I don't want to do anything!!! You should see my living room. It looks as though the rest of the house decided to move into the living room!

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