Friday, November 14, 2008
The Big News
We found out quite a bit ago but for obvious reasons kept it quiet for awhile. Things are going really well, my belly is expanding quite nicely....I have not gained really any weight yet. Not that I care too much but considering I was a bit heavier than I would prefer, this is a good start. The doc says all is well. ( I usually don't gain much more that the minimum anyway...yeah for me!!)
So far, no unusual cravings or aversions. I have been eating pickles though. By ice cream. The kids are really excited too!! Mary wants to have a "stister" (nope not a typo!) and Houghton and Paul are rooting for a boy. And for anyone who's a 50/50 chance and we'll just wait and see. It's such a cool surprise and we have lots of stuff left over from Mary that we're not really in need of much. We'll see though, if it's a boy, we'll need clothes!!!
We are excited though thinking to the future how much stuff we'll be getting rid of when the time comes!!!
We are officially due 4/11/09. This so happens to be Easter Vigil. It is a busy time for us since Paul is going through RCIA at church and will have his big ceremony on this day. My doc has said he won't let me go 41 weeks like I did with the other 2 but I am not so sure. Houghton will be making his 1st communion/confirmation on the 18th so really there is not any good time to have a baby in there. I am hoping maybe this one will come we'll see and cross that bridge when we get there....we must get through the holidays first!!
Hmmm... doesn't get better than that!!! Well, maybe when the go to sleep but usually I am not far behind! I do have to thank Mom for schleping the kids around this afternoon and helping Mary help make dinner (leftovers). It was very nice to have dinner done when I got home (even though I was perfectly happy getting McD's)!
Mary has beed quite cooperative lately (knock on wood!!!!) and when she starts to melt down....we ignore it. It is AMAZING! It's all about the audience. You can also distract her..(look at that princess baby doll over there!!!) totally works!! Shameless I know but wayyy better than an obnoxiously screaming/yelling toddler!!!
I got to go for my 'big' ultrasound yesterday. It was way cool! I got to see lots of anatomy and a little baby in my belly. They even did 3D pics...the baby was not totally cooperating so it's a little fuzzy but still sooo cool!! It's amazing how far technology has come...even since Mary was born only 3 years ago. We got lots of pics as well as a DVD. As soon as I can figure out how to get it onto youtube or get Paul to do it...I'll post it!!! Just don't ask me to interpret...the pics are pretty cool and you can actually see stuff. (just not the gender!!!!)
In Houghton news, He has been doing well in school. He is also learning the ways of the procrastinator. Some of it is our (mine mostly) because I don't totally inspect his folder/assignments very thoroughly some days. I feel however, that he should be responsible and I shouldn't necessarily be hounding him 24/7 about his stuff. Everytime I get lax, I realize he's not quite there yet....he needs to be nagged!!! UGH....I hate it!! Why can't he just do his homework....and not at the last minute????
In better news, He has a swim meet coming up and we found out today that he gets to swim in the "qualifing" sessions. He apparently has regional qualifying times for his age group. I am not sure exactly what that means but it's a pretty cool accomplishment since only 3 other kids from his group qualified too!!! I was surprised because I figured he was a bit young to reach those marks yet...I didn't really keep track!!
Mary is as adorable and crazy as ever. I really do call her crazy and sometimes when I think about it I hope it's not a self-fulfillng prophecy for her. I flash forward in my head and picture her all cute and on anti-psychotic medications. I think that though might be just a job hazard I have. Go figure. I am just enjoying the past few days with no major meltdowns. I have been able to get out the door 10 minutes earlier to work every's so nice to not start out the day wanting to wring your daughter's neck!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
How to deal?
Now that they share a room, it's not so easy to let her cry it out. Poor Houghton, the kid just wants to go to sleep!
The trick I discovered was to spank Mary (yup, firmly believe in it!) (she does have a diaper on!) and put her in her timeout chair in the living room. Keep in mind the lights around the house are in nighttime mode so basically it's dark except for a few strategic nightlights. Anyway, I leave her in there for about 3 minutes and ta-daa....she's calm and ready for bed. So, I asked her, "is this what it's going to take to get you to go to bed peacefully?" And her reply, "uh-huh".
UGH...what's a mother to do???
Thursday, October 16, 2008
More fair
Mary loved the carousel and it helped her get over the heartbreak of being too small for some of the rides!
Mary wanted to go on this very badly!! She waited at least 20 minutes...patiently!!! She got strapped in and bounced in the sky!!! We have video but I don't think you can see her face that well, it was priceless!!!
This was the second large slide the kids went on....I told them to race...I think Paul helped! I used to ride on these when I was a kid and was very sad I couldn't go on them!!!
Mary the daredevil she was not afraid to go on the fun house type climbing thing....Paul and I were just amazed....Houghton NEVER would have done it at 3 yrs. old!!! (of course as you can see he's ok now!)
Mary and Houghton on the kiddie roller coaster...up front! They had a blast!!
Mary kept calling it a train!
This is Mary after being told she is to little (short) to go on the 'big' roller coaster!!! I took quite a bit to get her to calm down....riding on the carousel (again) this time without Houghton helped!
We had a great time at the fair....even though we missed out on the kettle corn....GASP!! I know....but we had fry bread, corn dogs, frozen cheesecake on a stick and an apple dipper sundae and fruit smoothies!! (I know, I know...the fruit smoothies...way to healthy for the fair!) The weather was chilly (and windy!) we thought sweaters would be ok but once the sun went down we were ill prepared....unfortunately that's when we decided to sit down and eat our dessert...the frozen, cold stuff!! I know crazy...but we warmed up on the walk to the car!!!
The State Fair
When the dance was over we spent several hours gorging on food and rides....fortunately I did not get to go on them....I did want to go on the big slides but well decided against it since the signs clearly stated no pregnant women (Yes, I am a rule follower).
If you click on this link you can see Paul and Mary dance (and my bad recording job!) I promise next year it will be better!!!
( I also could not figure out how to just post the video not the techno savvy, sorry)
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
They said what?!?!
Paul: "Mary, you're the best!"
Mary: "No, Dad, I'm the cutest!"
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Binky No More!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Reading Machine
What can I say, I can't put a good book down! It was the Vampire series by Stephanie Meyer. They are supposed to be young adult/teen reading but I found them fascinating (obviously). I also heard that the first book "Twilight" is being made into a movie to come out this winter.....hmmmm I am not always a big fan of making books into movies but who knows I could be bored one weekend. They are good books so if anyone is interested....check them out!!
Time Flys
Our weekends have been full of rearranging, naps and plenty of cleaning. (did I mention Naps?) Mary has started dance classes and I am getting around to getting the pictures.
Houghton has started choir practice and I am already helping out during rehearsals etc. (didn't take long!) Between homework, reading, book reports swim, choir, and RE we've got our hands full. Mary has dance on Saturdays, and Sunday school (on Sundays!). I am taking a bible study class Thurs. evenings and Paul is taking a church class on Wed. evenings and has choir Mondays and every other Thurs. (So don't hate us if we don't answer the phone!!) makes me insane just looking at the list!!! We're still working on the logistics but so far no major mishaps and everyone is where they are supposed to be.
It has been nice having Paul with us during the usual study season. I am really going to be spoiled come January when he has to study again. It's kind of funny because you'd think we'd be spending more time together but it doesn't seem to work out that well. We are catching up on The Office however, not as quick as Paul would like. I am getting up early for work etc and I don't do well with little sleep. I go to bed much earlier than Paul. He's a night owl and without having to get up for work he'd live like a college student.
OK, I'm done whining now......maybe (did I mention how Paul hates my indecisiveness?)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Symetrical Pancakes and waterboarding
Mary has been battling her sinuses since Sunday of this week. She has been on antibiotics (for an infected bug bite on the bottom of her foot...another story I think) and in checking with her pediatrician, she can use the same one for her sinuses. She woke up this morning with a "frog" in her throat and while it's totally cute and in no way detracts from her talking, I knew the antibiotics aren't working so well. Using previous bouts of sinusitis as my cue....I knew what must be done......WATER TORTURE!!! When I first tried this (about a year ago) she was quite agreeable and it worked wonders....using a sinus rinse. I put her on the edge of the sink and have her tip her head and squirt a solution (in a specially designed bottle) up her'd be amazed at the crud that comes out. However, the 2 times (tonite included) since she really has screamed and fought. As you could imagine, when you throw your head back in protest, the solution will not run right out your other nostril as planned. Instead you'll choke and gag....hence the deterrent. Well, when she got this last infection, I tried to rinse her out right away...but alas, she knew and well, I thought we'd give the antibiotics a few days. At dinner, we were talking about rinsing her nose since it was yucky and nasty. She seemed fed up with it as much as I so I convinced her to let me 'help' her squeeze the bottle. My thought is if she was willing to be in control...she wouldn't mind as much. I worked for about 2 squeezes then she decided to squeeze before it was lined up with her nostril and discovered how fun it was to squeeze the bottle and play. Not so amusing. So then Dad being the everloving help, held her arms and head (as best as he could) while I proceeded to drown her. (and thanks to Dad for the 'Water boarding' comment) We all were amazed though at the amount of green gook that came out of her nose. And don't worry, She's happily playing in the bath as we speak!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Kid Funnies...
Then as they are getting ready to brush teeth....they are squawking (sp?) at each other when Paul steps in an asks "what's the trouble here?" Mary proceeds to answer "ME" and that made us chuckle as she is usually the cause of all the screaming!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
First Day of School
A New addiction...
P.S. Isn't acknowledging you have a problem the first step to recovery??
Monday, August 04, 2008
This is Houghton in Rocky Point (ca. 2002)
(Aug 3, 2008)
It's hard to believe my Houghton is now 8...that's right E-I-G-H-T!!!
He is a wonderful part of our family. As we were leaving this morning, he said "can you believe you have an 8 year-old?" (with a smile on his face none-the-less)
It is truly amazing to see how much he has grown. I was looking at the pictures we have hung in the hallway of when he was about 2 and he doesn't even look the same.
Happy...he's always happy
Outgoing...ready to make a new friend
Unique...just like his name
Gifted...not just in school
Hard working...he's very focused great kid...I'm glad he's ours!
Outstanding...need I say more!?
Nice...and he's truly sincere
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Where o' where has the time gone??
I am very proud of myself. I sat out in the heat (under the my new chair!) and made sure I drank enough fluids. I actually came home this afternoon and did not feel the beginnings of heat exhaustion!!! I know that could be really bad but I made sure to stay hydrated...the bad part of it all is that I don't like to drink I improvised and used the crystal light to go packs with water and drank gatorade.
Houghton did really well and dropped time in the 3 events he swam....he continually amazes me with how much he improves!
We're off to church now (since we'll be at the meet tomorrow) more to come.......
Monday, June 30, 2008
Our Adventure
We are currently at my Dad's place in Omaha....where it just so happens to be the swimming Olympic trials. We bought tickets for 3 days (tue/wed/thu) and have been fortunate enough to have been given tickets to the finals Sun and this evening as well!! Houghton has been having a great time...the only problem was when I went shopping in the speedo store...they had such great swag!! We got to see Michael Phelps break a world record...can't remember the event though...I know it's late. We also saw Katie Hoff break another world record. It has been a great facility and really cool!! We have had great seats and really cool to visit and see history in the making.
So far we have been through Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Nebraska. We spent last Tue evening with Aunt Julia and Tio Rene...and Rene made us a wonderful steak dinner!! The weather has been the best part of our trip. When we left Tucson Wed. morning, it was a bit overcast and driving through the desert was great only getting to about 87 degrees. We miscalculated bit and getting out a little later than we planned got us into Carlsbad NM a little behind schedule. I also made an error and we missed our turn from El Paso which probably cost us time. However noone was mad and we did just fine....we're on an ADVENTURE!!! So we made it to the Carlsbad cavern just in time to see the bat flight. It's really cool! Every night (while they stay there) around sunset-ish they leave the was AWESOME!! Then we checked into our hotel and finally got some sleep. It was nice not to have a schedule. We then took the natural entrance hike down into the caverns. It was beautiful...(thanks to the Thompsons for the recommendation...and the back pack!!) Mary was quite a trooper and wasn't too much on Paul's shoulders. She wanted to walk quite a bit but when she didn't it was great to have the back pack. We then ate lunch 750ft below the surface where it's a balmy 56 degrees....which was ok while we were hiking but sitting down to lunch...we got a little chilly. So we took the big room tour and saw more...we couldn't get enough! Once we left Carlsbad, we headed to Roswell. Not as kitschy as I would've thought. We checked into our hotel (which they were much better than expected!) The kids and Paul took a break to swim then we went to dinner and splurged on DQ for dessert! Then, we passed out in our beds! The next day (Fri) we spent driving to Denver. Beautiful and not as mountainy from the south. Again, the weather couldn't have been better. The best thing ever to get for the drive is a DVD player. I am tellin' ya, that thing saved many tantrums (unless it was about which movie) I would never let my kids watch that much TV at home but sometimes you just have to bend the rules!! We arrived in Denver and unloaded the car...we tipped the bellman well!! It was great, we explored the area and went to eat. It is a great little downtown mall area and they have a free shuttle that runs up and down so if you get tired to just want to make it to the other end you just hop on....really the kids thought it was a ride!! We spent Sat. at the Aquarium which was cool and had lunch at the restaurant by the big fish tank. After a brief nap....we went to see Wall-E....a very cute movie and Mary sat through it all!!! On Sunday we made sure to get up way early and get a good start since we found out we had tickets to the finals that evening. We made great time and got in around 4ish. After a quick turnaround and unloading of the car...Houghton and I went to the trials....That brings us to today!! We went to the zoo...the zoo here is fabulous! It has always been a favorite of mine. They have a new butterfly exhibit which appealed to both of my kids for different reasons....Houghton for the science part...Mary, just because they're butterflies!! The also have a rainforest which is really cool!!! While at the zoo we got word that we had tickets to the finals this evening...again really neat!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
"Hi, my name is Molly and I am an addict"
I have been reading other people's blogs and I cannot stop. I am not sure where it started but someone mentioned a blog and I checked it out. So super funny and most of all witty (which I am not but dream one day it will just happen to me) and so I have bookmarked them and check them everyday. It multiplies too! Everyone has links referring to someone else's blog...I just can't stop! These people who blog seem to be able to do it with much more frequency than me. I do wonder what kind of lives they have....the grass is always greener....**sigh**
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Clean at last!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Also on the homefront, We received Houghton's sumer homework for next year. I am excited. Good books and he is encouraged to "write, write, write" and so the both of us are going to work on journaling. Also, we are going to write about our roadtrip. He also received a recommendation from his music teacher to try out for the boys choir.
It made me smile since Paul is still in the Alumni choir (now called 'the Masters') so we talked about it since it will be a big commitment on Houghton's part as well as ours. Fortunately the choir building is not too far from home. We will have some juggling to do I am sure since he will still be swimming. He decided to forgo soccer this fall to do we'll see. It's Pauls job to call and set up the audition.
Mary and I are still doing swim lessons for the remainder of the month. Then, once school is out we are going to play it by ear since there's a lot going on. She is swimming soo well!! She is also potty training. I don't remember Houghton being this difficult. She really picks and chooses when she wants to go on the potty. At least now, she's choosing to go more on the potty but it's definitely on her terms!
We spent Mother's Day at the Wildlife World Zoo. It was nice me and the kids and my mom and Glen went. It was very nice weather, a little on the warm side, but good. It is a nice zoo but expensive!! They do have the white (albino) alligator. According to the sign they keep it inside so that it won't get sunburned! So, Mary was very excited and jumped up and down and so did the alligator, right at the glass! Mary screamed and was freaked out! The alligator was attacking the glass!! Knowing that the glass was there made it funny, but really kinda creepy! Needless to say if you ask her about the trip she'll tell you "the alligator scared me!" It's cute!!
Friday, May 02, 2008
Pack rat NO MORE
Things are always crazy around here and I have been totally exhausted by the end of the day I haven't really gotten much done. I think I might have to rearrange my schedule and actually "schedule" cleaning time. It is a bit overwhelming and I am trying to take one room at a time.
My reward is going to be paint. Yes, paint. I really want to paint the whole house and do some home improvement stuff so once I clean out the clutter hopefully it will make everything easier to do some painting etc. That's what I keep telling myself anyway.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Slimy Chicken
Monday, April 21, 2008
Anyway, I also caved. We turned on the a/c...well I did. I just couldn't handle it anymore!!!
I think the sun is sucking the life force out of me!!! I don't want to do anything!!! You should see my living room. It looks as though the rest of the house decided to move into the living room!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Spring Fever
It was 96 degrees yesterday. Fortunately, it's supposed to cool down tomorrow to only 88. In our house now at 9pm it is a balmy 83 degrees. The kids are sleeping in their underwear (and diaper) and my mantra has now become...."I will not turn on the a/c, I will not turn on the a/c" you get the idea.
I have been busy at work trying to get summer schedules in order, so that I may have the most possible time with the kids.
I cannot wait for our summer road trip....Just thinking about it makes me want to go now!! I really am looking forward to it. I feel like a little kid again....I am sure that when I get going it may not be as exciting. But I have my illusions (or delusions?) for now!!
I remember road tripping growing up and there were good times...and not so good times...but I rememeber being with my family and that is cool!! I hope to make memories that last for my kids!!
Houghton is busy swimmng 5 days a week and doing homework etc. He also has learned to ride a 2 wheeler!! YEAH HOUGHTON!! It really took him no time at all. Paul was really surprised he just took to it! He even had to remind himself that Houghton is a lot more fearless than he used to be!! Paul and Houghton had a "man date"/playdate. It was really a play date the dad's planned since they were the ones going biking. I forced Paul to make the plans. (baby steps!) It was quite cute!! They all went for a ride on the bike path that runs along the's really nice since the path goes under all of the major intersections. Houghton even got to leave dad in the dust!!! We are looking into doing the Ironkids Jr. Triathalon in the fall. He seems interested and now that he can ride a bike, it's one more thing to check off on the life list!! What a fun thing to do! He has so much energy and it will be fun since he knows a couple of kids who will be doing it too!! It really amazes me how much he's growing up. I just can't get over it!! He is struggling a little with being the "responsible"one. He really gets in trouble for doing stuff that for him would get a verbal warning but since Mary watches his every move ...then copies it....he gets into a little more trouble. I have to help him out since I am the oldest, I know what it's like. So I try to be as compassionate as possible to him in this situation. I have to remind myself too that he's just a kid...a good kid but still a kid. He has always been so good that when stuff does happen, Paul usually reminds me that it's normal for a 7 year-old boy!!
Mary is quite the princess. She amazes me with her stubbornness and her compassion. She loves singing and dancing. She got her baby out tonight and sat it in her lap and read her a story!! How wonderful!! She really loves her babies!!! She has been grocery shopping and feeding us all lunch and snacks (even if we don't want them) from her shopping cart she unburied from her room. Speaking of her room, I found on clearance at the Disney store, a princess canopy for over her bed! It is too cute and I couldn't resist!! Mary is in love with it and loves to go to bed in her "princess bed" makes our bedtime routine so much nicer (so far!)
She has also been in trouble too! She gets very bossy and smart-talks to her parents!! I am much more tolerant than Paul (not by much be he realllly hates it!!) She has also learned to spit when she is angry ( that usually lands a spanking esp. if its while she's in timeout) Sometimes I wonder just how I am going to manage her!! She is much more of a force to be reckoned with than her brother ever was!! The cuteness saves her .....A LOT!!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Lazy Lou...
We also recieved notice from the school that he tested into the gifted program! He did really well on these 'tests' I guess what they test is how the kids think vs. what (content) they know!
I am sooo excited and proud of Houghton!! I was his weekend to shine!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Blogger guilt
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
The Cutest Moment...
The joys of having a girl!
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Paul and I went out to dinner for the "Passer's Dinner" while my mom babysat and took the kids to Houghton's school 'county fair' They had all kinds of carnival stuff, food and auctions, a cake walk (Mary's fav.-she wanted the cupcake no walking for it) etc etc. It was at the school right around the corner from our house.
They had a ferris wheel and bungee jumping. Yes, Bungee jumping. Guess what Mary did? One guess, only one. Yup, she did the bungee jumping. The first thing Houghton and my mother told me when we got home was..."you'll NEVER believe what Mary did" Nope, and noone had a camera either. So, I really have no proof. But, it is the thing where the strap you in and you jump and they pull your legs so that you go higher and higher. Mary apparently went really high and cried and screamed when her turn was over. That's my girl!!! (and my mom HAD to by a cake for Mary too!!)
Monday, February 11, 2008
It was 77 Degrees yesterday and while we were inside for most of it (shameful I know but hey-laundry's mostly done!) While Mary did not nap on Sat. we gave her ample time to catch up on Sunday. One would think that she'd sleep like a baby since she did not have neither a nap nor sleep very well at night (with 102 degree fever)'d think. OH No not Mary...she played, whined, yelled and sang for 2 1/2 hours!! Finally having enough, I got her out of bed and got Houghton and we went to my mom's house to play outside. We did some soccer and helped open up the motor home (stairs that move in & out with the door --big hit!!) Then we went to Target and got Houghton's valentines for his class and Mary some new barrettes (and mommy some new haircolor--to go with the cut!)
It was definitely a great was one of those days you just can't be in a bad mood.
And where was Paul all day you ask?? STUDYING :) Of course!! I gave him leave for the day (like most weekends) He also had a Mens choir fundraiser/dinner performance in the evening.
On a side note--We missed seeing the Thompson's at the company picnic....and it threw off most everyone else...they were used to seeing our families together at the picnic!! It was just not the same!! :(
Saturday, February 09, 2008
It's all in a haircut
Houghton, Mary and I. (or is it me?)
I didn't realize that just having my hair trimmed up and thinned out could do so much.
I was quited exhausted from all of the running around but I love my new hair.
It's not all that different but kinda like Katie Holmes new do. (basically a bob)
I'm amazed that this little thing can do so much for my mental health!!
Yeah for haircuts!!!
Monday, February 04, 2008
It was a really nice place (you would NEVER guess by the outside!!)
Houghton did really well with the bumpers, Paul and I did ok (but still under 100!) Ok, I downright sucked!!! But we had a blast. I determined that sometime we will have to make it a date...or even a double date!!! Mary was too cute just being social....she didn't care about the bowling. She even missed nap for it...and was a trooper!
I have forgotten how much fun it is to go bowling and have vowed to go back again!
What's in a color?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hold on a second...
Mary is too big for her britches.
While coloring she says...
"Hey Mom, Hold on a second, I have something to tell you"
Then proceeds to recite her ABC's, a little out of order but not to bad!
She is also currently putting her baby and lamb (yes, Mary has a little lamb :) in time out!
(She knows all about that)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Rain, Rain Go Away....
Where am I going with this you ask? I'll tell you. We got a ton of rain starting in the middle of the night Sat. night.(early Sun I guess) and it just so happened to coincide with Houghton's swim meet weekend. Not so bad however, at the pool there is no cover...NONE!! So, being the good sport Paul stayed home with Mary (studying and napping). I schlepped our canopy and chairs to the meet along with the tarp sides. It turned out to be wonderfully dry except the ground. So, we kept thing off the ground as best we could. Well, the more people and canopies/tents that arrived and put up in limited space we had occasional "dumps" (rain tha collected in on the canopies/tents the due to the weight dumped on unsuspecting people!) We would have remained fairly dry and somewhat warm but there was a ton of rain (we were in the Far West Valley where they get all the rain) and the kids were in and out of the (heated) pool. So after much work, I accepted the fact that we will be soaked.
By the time we arrived home (close to 7pm) Houghton and I were drenched. We laid out our clothes jackets etc. We had to take off our shoes & socks outside. We did warm up after some dry clothes and warm dinner. I have all of the chairs, coolers, and the canopy out in the carport air drying. (which might take a while since it's still raining today and more is expected by Wed.
Like I said....we do live in the desert....why so much rain?
Logically, I know we need it...but really, why can't it happen on my terms...when I can curl up on the couch with a good book???
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Swim Chicago

Here's Houghton swimming today. He swam the 50 yard backstroke, 50Y Butterfly and 100Y freestyle. He dropped time in all events and improves with every meet. He and I are having such fun. It is really giving him a sense that this is also a "team sport" He is the youngest and has a lot of kids to look up to. He is also learning to fend for himself during the meet. Only swimmers and coaches are allowed down on the deck. He has to be responsible for all of his stuff. It does make me nervous but so far so good. (nothing lost or broken-yet)
It is really cold...about 2 degrees at 4pm. Houghton is taking it well. It's not so bad for me as long as the wind doesn't blow. And that does not happen in Chicago!
It is nice as well that he gets to swim in the afternoon session. Usually we have to be up with the sun. This time around we don't have to be at the pool until 11:45am!!
(in the top Pic he's in the top lane and bottom lane in the bottom pic --he wears the white cap)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Yes, I have been lazy
I am still working and Paul is busy studying for the final exam!!!
He has realized that in only 4 short months he could be done studying....for good!!! That realization has put a little bit of spunk into his step. He did get mad at me for making him study tonite after a long day and a good dinner out. He wanted to be lazy and relax with a food coma. NOPE not tonite!! Plus I wanted my own time!!
I do wonder what will happen when he has nothing to do in the evenings/weekends. I am not sure how long it will be before we're on each other's nerves. I am looking forward to finding out though. Maybe I'll start studying (go back to school?) Hmmmm....we'll see.