Friday, February 23, 2007

Miss Mary

As I sit here and type Mary is pulling many random books off the bookshelf. She does seem to like the "Men of Mathematics" yes, it belongs to Paul and trust not as exciting as it may sound. She is saying "doggie" to everything, and when asked what the doggie says, she replies, "woo-woo" very cute! She says lots of words now. Her newest one is "eh-oh" (for hello) and gocks (they go on your feet). I have determined that I cannot keep up with her and the house during the same day. I found her the other day on top of the dining room table dumping the salt out of the shaker. Paul asked where I was....I was RIGHT THERE!!! Honest!! She's quick and LOVES to get into everything. I have to close any and all doors once she is awake in the morning. If any of us has happened to leave something out for her....she'll get it! (you'd think that would be incentive to pick our stuff up....nope)

She is adorable and talks more than anyone I know (including me!) We just don't get what all she's saying.....very definintive though. She is somewhat ticklish and I take advantage every chance I giggles are God's gift to parents!!! They are the best!! She is a very inquisitive and bright child....She makes me appreciate the little things in life, including fuzzies on the carpet which she diligently picks up for me!!! She also has the yummiest cheeks around....Thanks to Daddy for that one....(Houghton is a close second....he's just too old now for too many kisses!!)

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