Saturday, November 06, 2010
On a quick side note, I love spelling. I loved winning the classroom spelling bee in elementary school. Is it strange that I click on the "spellcheck" button for the blog just to have it tell me "no misspellings found"? (I need the affirmation) It makes me smile.
I had a wonderful time this afternoon/evening. I am so glad our friends are back!!! I was looking through some coupons/emails and realized I missed the one for 40% off at the Gap. I felt sad for, oh, about 5 seconds. I then realized I traded it in for an awesome spontaneous afternoon with our great friends and all the kids at the zoo and then at our house for dinner. I wouldn't miss that for 40% off.
Now I have to download all the pictures I took, that may not happen for a while but I know I got some good ones, so I think that's an incentive :)
Some times, It just takes saying "sure why not?" to bring me out of the blues ;)
Now I have to download all the pictures I took, that may not happen for a while but I know I got some good ones, so I think that's an incentive :)
Some times, It just takes saying "sure why not?" to bring me out of the blues ;)
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
I was wondering, I am doing the right things by the kids. While I am in limbo, part-time working and staying at home, I wonder. I like my job, I do NOT like getting up at 3:30am. I miss my husband. I feel the gaps getting wider and wider. Then, we have a few stolen minutes to catch up on schedules and "Oh yeah, did I mention...?" I daydream of being able to wake up and make breakfast that's not previously frozen or requires milk in a bowl. (unless they want it) I love the thought of kissing my husband good-bye on his way out the door. Is it totally June Cleaver, sure but I think it's the connection mostly. In reality I am sure it wouldn't happen all the time or be the norm but, I would like the opportunity. I am pleasantly content with our situation it can always be worse. I know our goals and we're working toward them. I think I may even be more patient than Paul on this. I also wonder what our days would be like without running to extra-curricular activities...I get glimpses of it on days where we have a day off from them or kids are sick. I realize what could be, what I think I might like. I also remind myself that I wouldn't get out as much and I would probably eventually be sad and miss my friends sooner rather than later. I does help that we have kids that get along and have activities together.
I am insecure. I would hope that they would not forget about me or just not call to invite me out. I have that fear, not being liked. (I am being my own shrink now too) I feel inadequate. I want to be active and go out and belong and play with my kids. I also want to lay on the couch watching nothing particular on TV and take a nap. (showering optional) I guess right now I am somewhere in between. Small victories?
I am insecure. I would hope that they would not forget about me or just not call to invite me out. I have that fear, not being liked. (I am being my own shrink now too) I feel inadequate. I want to be active and go out and belong and play with my kids. I also want to lay on the couch watching nothing particular on TV and take a nap. (showering optional) I guess right now I am somewhere in between. Small victories?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Feng Shui
Is the reason I have so many ideas and projects started due to the fact my desk is a mess? I have become the queen of half-finished projects. I say...I just need more time. And here I am....damn computer! I don't know where to start (again). The project that is easier to complete hence the "accomplishment" or the ones that are in the most way?? Aaarrgh. I think my next disk of Mad Men has arrived. I have too much TV to catch up on. Thank God for Hulu. What? I can do that can't I?? I thank Him for my family, friends too. I think I need a snack, some energy to fuel my indecision....hmmm, yup that sounds good....
Friday, September 03, 2010
A month gone by...

Let's see... Houghton is now 10, Mary has started Kindergarten and Simon has developed opinions of his own...
This was taken on Mary's first day of about 3 weeks ago.
Houghton is learning the benefits of keeping a planner...slowly but it's coming along.
Mary has managed to find the kids who don't listen during story time "annoying", asked pointedly, "why don't I have an ipod?" and point out that there is a "Man Mrs. Peoples" (the cutest by far! [Her teacher's name is Mrs. Peoples, and Mr. Peoples came to her class] I think it was so cute- Mary was genuinely surprised, so innocent :)

Here's the baby after a bath. I feel bad and understand how the baby of the family gets the reputation for being spoiled.
I figured an update was needed! I think I've missed a whole month!
I am enjoying my time home with him (even though he naps for a big part of it). We had a nice time the other day just him and I playing on the floor and does wonders for the psyche!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Frugal? Not really
I try to do my best when shopping. I rarely pay full price for anything. If I do, or it is an item /brand that doesn't go on sale, I ponder the decision and wonder do I need it or want it. I have a difficult time deciding on that. It is a character flaw. "Hi, my name is Molly and I spend money" Now that we've got that out of the way. It's school time. My favorite time of the year, Christmas in July anyone? It's not that the kid(now kids) are going to school and I will "have more time to clean" ie: play and grocery shop with a little laundry and nap time thrown in. That's great but to me, a side bonus. I get to shop for "school stuff". It ranges from clothes and shoes to organizer stuff for around the house. It is still ridiculously HOT outside (No, idea why they start school at the beginning of AUGUST in AZ) so I don't get to pack up any summer clothes or anything crazy like that but, I do get to get rid of stuff they have grown out of and they actually have to check their shoes....(we live in crocs & flip-flops when not barefoot). Mary is starting Kindergarten this year. Her school requires uniforms. YES! Score for limiting possible morning meltdowns! NO! I have to shop for the bottoms (tops are bought through the school) which, in all honesty, makes clothes shopping for girls much easier. Shorts, check, skorts check....done!!
I am however scared of the budgeting. Or really, my lack of. I live paycheck to paycheck, yup I said it. I am working on that (sort of) but really, I am truly thankful that my wonderfully non-mathematically challenged, no-mental calculating Husband takes care of the big stuff. Like car payments, mortgages, utilities, Large household purchases and the like. It's not that I forget to make payments or am late (though it has happened *gasp*), it's just well I do the buying. There would be no food, clothes, personal hygiene items etc in the house. (We do have a large TV, home server & nice printer though) What I am saying is that the basics of Home Management are left to me. I don't mind it, really I don't. really, I don't mind! I just wish I didn't have to "budget". Me, and my measly paycheck, are responsible for my irresponsibility. (namely my credit cards) I am trying to mend my ways. I pretty much spend only cash (or debit card for my plastic withdrawals) however, I have to tame my spending ways. I have to realize that a good deal might just be to walk away. Or to not go into the store in the first place. (FYI, just typing that gives me anxiety) Some things are inevitable, like, Back-to-school, I am trying my best to get it done and with minimal expenditures. I always (OK, 99% of the time) get a good deal or a sale. It doesn't always justify the spending but in my head, well, it's for the kids. (that's usually my justification).
I am however scared of the budgeting. Or really, my lack of. I live paycheck to paycheck, yup I said it. I am working on that (sort of) but really, I am truly thankful that my wonderfully non-mathematically challenged, no-mental calculating Husband takes care of the big stuff. Like car payments, mortgages, utilities, Large household purchases and the like. It's not that I forget to make payments or am late (though it has happened *gasp*), it's just well I do the buying. There would be no food, clothes, personal hygiene items etc in the house. (We do have a large TV, home server & nice printer though) What I am saying is that the basics of Home Management are left to me. I don't mind it, really I don't. really, I don't mind! I just wish I didn't have to "budget". Me, and my measly paycheck, are responsible for my irresponsibility. (namely my credit cards) I am trying to mend my ways. I pretty much spend only cash (or debit card for my plastic withdrawals) however, I have to tame my spending ways. I have to realize that a good deal might just be to walk away. Or to not go into the store in the first place. (FYI, just typing that gives me anxiety) Some things are inevitable, like, Back-to-school, I am trying my best to get it done and with minimal expenditures. I always (OK, 99% of the time) get a good deal or a sale. It doesn't always justify the spending but in my head, well, it's for the kids. (that's usually my justification).
Monday, July 19, 2010
Not much to report
So, I am very overwhelmed and no energy to care! Nothing new, just a messy house, laundry piles, messy desk and so on. When I finally get some time without the kids, I am to tired, enjoy the peace and quiet and don't know where to start. It's frustrating!
Ok, done now.
On a different note- I have been waiting forever! for Simon to say "mama" (and really mean it) We have been in training on this...and now....HE WON'T STOP! While it's great, he doesn't just say it all cute. HE SCREAMS IT! That's my "be careful what you wish for" moment I guess. (He is still cute as a button though)
Coming up- Houghton's state swim meet (for Long course, in case you cared to know the difference)
Ok, done now.
On a different note- I have been waiting forever! for Simon to say "mama" (and really mean it) We have been in training on this...and now....HE WON'T STOP! While it's great, he doesn't just say it all cute. HE SCREAMS IT! That's my "be careful what you wish for" moment I guess. (He is still cute as a button though)
Coming up- Houghton's state swim meet (for Long course, in case you cared to know the difference)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Grammar, typing and so on...
I am not a total stickler for all things grammar. I even get corrected by my children. (NOT often) I however have to vent. I love my FB. It is much easier to keep updated with everyone and is much easier for me and my ADD self to post snippets. I keep myself from commenting on others bad grammar because well, they're supposed to be my 'friends' right? (or family) I don't really want to stir up anything because of a possible typo. However, some I have come to realize are not typos or at least they are like me and always make the same typo. *doubt it* Their and there are NOT the same thing!! And, it really makes you seem unintelligent.
Ok, Done. And pleeeease, don't correct my typing/grammar errors. I usually know they're there.
Ok, Done. And pleeeease, don't correct my typing/grammar errors. I usually know they're there.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
So, Houghton and I have been realllly excited about the new movie, "The Last Airbender" which arrives tomorrow (if I'm not mistaken). We discovered that it is based on this anime/comic book style story. Paul put it on Netflix (watch instantly!). We all sat and watched the first 5 episodes (there are like 5 billion in total) it was pretty cool and we all did it together. Houghton (and Mary) have begged and pleaded to watch more. Let's just say Paul and I ask for updates, we are so far behind. I think Houghton has a new obsession. I also have to say I think he gets it from me. I pretty much get into something and totally jump in and the one thing is my obsession for a period of time. Fortunately, for Houghton, it's pretty much books. He's reading several different series' right now. From Lemony (sp?) Snickets, Artemis Fowl, and some cat series called Warriors. He has also started reading my Harry Potter books. I do wonder sometimes though if he actually comprehends what he reads. We try to catch him and every time we quiz him, he answers, so maybe just like me, he's a fast reader.
Monday, June 28, 2010
It is now a good way through the summer and I am feeling like I've done a lot and nothing at the same time. I think I need a sense of accomplishment...I have several pending projects/ideas. Hopefully by next weekend we'll have Mary's room done. I have got most of the prep work done and we purchased the supplies and new blinds for her room.
The kids have also requested that their parents don't suck this year and take them out to actually watch a live fireworks display. Paul and I are trying to figure out how to do that and minimize our time outside where the highs right now are 112! Stay tuned!
Coming up...a little vaca to Tucson for Mateo's first b-day party (and a stay at LaPaloma for us)
The kids have also requested that their parents don't suck this year and take them out to actually watch a live fireworks display. Paul and I are trying to figure out how to do that and minimize our time outside where the highs right now are 112! Stay tuned!
Coming up...a little vaca to Tucson for Mateo's first b-day party (and a stay at LaPaloma for us)
He loves this play table, he takes the top off and climbs inside. The other picture is my new favorite! I love when just snapping away I manage to get a gem.
He's almost 15 months and still not walking. He will now let us hold his hands while walking though and if he wants something enough (and isn't paying attention) he'll take a few steps. I have only witnessed 2, however, it has been reported he took 5.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Dinner, Costco style
Here's a recipe that I improvised and got my kids to eat vegetables. I actually do have kids that eat vegetables. Paul and I love stuffed bell peppers. That was one meal I could make and feel "fancy". I made this when Mary was about 2 and it didn't go over very well. Houghton even took to complaining. Then I had a brainstorm. I discovered that it wasn't that they didn't like bell peppers, they just didn't like them stuffed with all the goo. Sooooo, I unstuffed them! GENIUS!
The recipe is simple: brown the ground beef, add diced bell peppers, cooked rice, spaghetti sauce and shredded cheese, stir until cheese is melted (a minute or 2 at most) and wa-lah, dinner that kids will eat (at least mine will). The kids are actually relieved when they ask whats for dinner and this is what they're getting.
I call it "Costco style" since I pretty much get all of my groceries there. (Houghton eats as much/more than the adults!) and we like leftovers so, Costco is a great deal. (I get the ground beef, rice, spaghetti sauce & shredded cheese there) However, the recipe will work with wherever you shop for groceries.
I use 2lb ground beef
2-3c of cooked white rice
1 lg jar of spaghetti sauce
4-5 good size green bell peppers diced
~2c shredded cheese
This one is easy to adjust to preferences, add more/less sauce, cheese & bell peppers to taste.
(and it reheats really well too!)
The recipe is simple: brown the ground beef, add diced bell peppers, cooked rice, spaghetti sauce and shredded cheese, stir until cheese is melted (a minute or 2 at most) and wa-lah, dinner that kids will eat (at least mine will). The kids are actually relieved when they ask whats for dinner and this is what they're getting.
I call it "Costco style" since I pretty much get all of my groceries there. (Houghton eats as much/more than the adults!) and we like leftovers so, Costco is a great deal. (I get the ground beef, rice, spaghetti sauce & shredded cheese there) However, the recipe will work with wherever you shop for groceries.
I use 2lb ground beef
2-3c of cooked white rice
1 lg jar of spaghetti sauce
4-5 good size green bell peppers diced
~2c shredded cheese
This one is easy to adjust to preferences, add more/less sauce, cheese & bell peppers to taste.
(and it reheats really well too!)
I had an entire post all set up, then I had to take care of something. I don't even remember what it was at this point and when I came back, the computer was not cooperating and I couldn't recover and post my blog. Guess it wasn't that important.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
I went to the dentist in Mid-December for 2 crowns, (some might remember my posts but I digress) I paid them $1352 which according to the dentist's office was to be my portion (it was supposed to be an educated guess). I paid them after I was done with m y crowns. I noticed in January that the claim was adjusted (as insurance companies do) and the insurance paid their portion to the dentist's office. According to the insurance, my portion should have been $162...But WAIT you already paid them $1352??, my darling husband called in FEBRUARY!!! and they told him the claim was pending, the insurance has not processed all of the claims. OK, so NOW, it is April---according to our insurance website, there are NO pending claims. Soooo, last week, I called the dentist and they took my # and told me the billing girl would call me. Guess what??? NO CALL. So, I had some extra time today (a week later!!) called and the billing girl told me that they were not refunding me because they show the claim as pending. DUH- so, when I asked her why it's taken 4 months and that I don't know about her but I don't have the $ to just let $1100 sit around...I need it!!! Needless to say she talked to my like I was 4 (ya know that speak slowly and condescending---I know it because I am good at doing that myself -ask Paul) So I called her on it and she didn't like that. so I told her to call my insurance company and I will be expecting her call. Then hung up. I am getting a new dentist. (FYI-the actual dentists and hygenists are nice, sorry the front office ruined it for you)
I went to the dentist in Mid-December for 2 crowns, (some might remember my posts but I digress) I paid them $1352 which according to the dentist's office was to be my portion (it was supposed to be an educated guess). I paid them after I was done with m y crowns. I noticed in January that the claim was adjusted (as insurance companies do) and the insurance paid their portion to the dentist's office. According to the insurance, my portion should have been $162...But WAIT you already paid them $1352??, my darling husband called in FEBRUARY!!! and they told him the claim was pending, the insurance has not processed all of the claims. OK, so NOW, it is April---according to our insurance website, there are NO pending claims. Soooo, last week, I called the dentist and they took my # and told me the billing girl would call me. Guess what??? NO CALL. So, I had some extra time today (a week later!!) called and the billing girl told me that they were not refunding me because they show the claim as pending. DUH- so, when I asked her why it's taken 4 months and that I don't know about her but I don't have the $ to just let $1100 sit around...I need it!!! Needless to say she talked to my like I was 4 (ya know that speak slowly and condescending---I know it because I am good at doing that myself -ask Paul) So I called her on it and she didn't like that. so I told her to call my insurance company and I will be expecting her call. Then hung up. I am getting a new dentist. (FYI-the actual dentists and hygenists are nice, sorry the front office ruined it for you)
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Well, it was a busy weekend for us with Simon's birthday and Easter weekend. It was nice however and we did have some down time. We had a great Easter service on Sunday morning and had a great brunch with Grandma and Aunt Julia (Nina) and Tio Rene (Nino) and the star of the show.....Mateo!! He's too adorable and got to sit next to his cousin (Simon) those 2 are going to be sooo adorable when they get into trouble together. Yes, they will. How cool is that going to be for the 2 cousins so close in age to get to grow up with each other??? I am so envious.
It was really great to have our first Easter as a fully Catholic family! We were a little sad we missed the Easter Vigil services though. There's always next year!
I am getting closer to working part-time and can't's like spring fever!!! I am trying to realize that I will still be tired and that Paul will have to work later so it's still going to be hard for us to have any time together. I think we need to work a bit more to find different ways to connect. It's tough!!! We do manage to get the household management stuff taken care of but there's no time for just us. We tried to get into a TV show since we could catch up on hulu and netflix but we got through about 3 or 4 episodes....FAIL! I just can't stay up later like I used to. I am just tooo tired. I can't even keep my eyes open if I sit down!!
It was really great to have our first Easter as a fully Catholic family! We were a little sad we missed the Easter Vigil services though. There's always next year!
I am getting closer to working part-time and can't's like spring fever!!! I am trying to realize that I will still be tired and that Paul will have to work later so it's still going to be hard for us to have any time together. I think we need to work a bit more to find different ways to connect. It's tough!!! We do manage to get the household management stuff taken care of but there's no time for just us. We tried to get into a TV show since we could catch up on hulu and netflix but we got through about 3 or 4 episodes....FAIL! I just can't stay up later like I used to. I am just tooo tired. I can't even keep my eyes open if I sit down!!
Happy Birthday Simon
Whew, where did the year go? Simon is now a big boy, (and still mama's baby!) He turned 1 on Friday. Good Friday indeed :) We had a wonderful backyard bbq on Saturday with a great turnout. It was fun and it has been while since we've actually had people over. We have waayy to much food and the kids loved running around outside all afternoon. Simon got his own cake and really enjoyed mushing it. Once he realized he could eat it, well, he sampled a few bites....but mostly enjoyed making a mess. It was nice enough he ate on the back porch and then got to have a nice bath (courtesy of Grandma).
I have not realized how much fun it was to have good friends and food! (And how much I've missed it) We had a great time and everyone enjoyed themselves (I am assuming on that one).
Simon is getting bigger and so grown up. It's very bittersweet. I love snuggling with him and cuddling with him before bed. He crawls everywhere and loves to see what everyone else is up to. He loves to get into his brother & sisters room to their dismay :) We have a gate to put up but well, we're in no hurry, I really think they need to figure it out. Plus they've kept their room cleaner so that Simon won't get into everything.
I have not realized how much fun it was to have good friends and food! (And how much I've missed it) We had a great time and everyone enjoyed themselves (I am assuming on that one).
Simon is getting bigger and so grown up. It's very bittersweet. I love snuggling with him and cuddling with him before bed. He crawls everywhere and loves to see what everyone else is up to. He loves to get into his brother & sisters room to their dismay :) We have a gate to put up but well, we're in no hurry, I really think they need to figure it out. Plus they've kept their room cleaner so that Simon won't get into everything.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Time to focus
So, I am the person who knows where everything is. EVERYTHING. I am the planner and keeper of calendar extraordinaire. I know who needs to have what appointments, well checks, eye doctors, swim practice, dance practice....ask and I can answer......and then it happened. It happened in a big way.
Houghton has spring break from swim. I even got an email reminder of when it was. I even made sure to put it on the calendar. The only problem you say??? I was off by a whole week!!! Nothing to terrible happened. Houghton got a free hour of play instead of calling me to come and get him. He just waited for Dad to show up to get him. I feel a bit better knowing that he wasn't the only one, he had kids to play with. (FYI...the older groups still had practice so there were people/coaches there) I did learn that he does have an extra week off (total of 2 weeks off!) from swim. I am going to enjoy them, less driving and shuttling is very exciting!
So now, I have to admit that I am losing my power....mental power. Sudoku (thank God for spell check), crosswords here I come!!! I might just settle for a game of memory with Mary, that, I can still win.
Houghton has spring break from swim. I even got an email reminder of when it was. I even made sure to put it on the calendar. The only problem you say??? I was off by a whole week!!! Nothing to terrible happened. Houghton got a free hour of play instead of calling me to come and get him. He just waited for Dad to show up to get him. I feel a bit better knowing that he wasn't the only one, he had kids to play with. (FYI...the older groups still had practice so there were people/coaches there) I did learn that he does have an extra week off (total of 2 weeks off!) from swim. I am going to enjoy them, less driving and shuttling is very exciting!
So now, I have to admit that I am losing my power....mental power. Sudoku (thank God for spell check), crosswords here I come!!! I might just settle for a game of memory with Mary, that, I can still win.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Spring Break
So, I am working part-time this week. Mary had surgery last Wednesday to remove tonsils & adenoids. So far,'s a bit rough. I went through it with Houghton so not entirely a new situation. She has been getting better but we take 2 steps forward, 1 step back.
We scheduled it this way so that it coincided with spring break. Paul had taken the week off already and we planned to go to Tucson to visit Julia, Rene and Mateo (and Bela)! So, we aren't going to make it to Tucson but, we're now ready to venture out.
I can say that for our first day of spring break....I took a nap (as did Simon), Mary pretended to nap until I fell asleep then went off to play, and Paul & Houghton went for a bike ride. Did I mention it's about 80 this week? I guess getting a big lazy nap isn't a bad way to start spring break?! However, exciting things today...I am doing laundry and pretending to clean off my desk by playing on the computer :)
We are planning on visiting the Zoo, Children's Museum and the park this week. (oh and I need to get my car in for service)
I did manage to get our cable cancelled....yup,done, gone, finito....and we don't miss it that much. We have Paul to thank for getting our computer/TV all put's fun and I can still watch and DVR the shows I like, as for the rest...I don't miss it or Netflix....that has become much more useful.
We scheduled it this way so that it coincided with spring break. Paul had taken the week off already and we planned to go to Tucson to visit Julia, Rene and Mateo (and Bela)! So, we aren't going to make it to Tucson but, we're now ready to venture out.
I can say that for our first day of spring break....I took a nap (as did Simon), Mary pretended to nap until I fell asleep then went off to play, and Paul & Houghton went for a bike ride. Did I mention it's about 80 this week? I guess getting a big lazy nap isn't a bad way to start spring break?! However, exciting things today...I am doing laundry and pretending to clean off my desk by playing on the computer :)
We are planning on visiting the Zoo, Children's Museum and the park this week. (oh and I need to get my car in for service)
I did manage to get our cable cancelled....yup,done, gone, finito....and we don't miss it that much. We have Paul to thank for getting our computer/TV all put's fun and I can still watch and DVR the shows I like, as for the rest...I don't miss it or Netflix....that has become much more useful.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Field Trip
On Friday, I got to help chaperone Houghton's 4th grade field trip to the AZ-Sonora Desert Museum. I am glad I finally was on the ball about something!!! There was a waiting list....can you believe it?? (and they need 5 per class!!) So, I am proud to finally get to something first!
We had a great time and it was way better than I expected.
Houghton has the State swim meet coming up next weekend. He has qualified for 4 events! He gets to miss school on Friday too! I am so proud of him. He seems genuinely excited but also nonchalant. He sees it as no big deal. I suppose that's good. He is also going to be moving into the next training group after the spring break. He'll be swimming 1&1/2 hours and 4-5 days a week. He's ready for it, he doesn't get worn out like he used to :)
Mary is enjoying her time at preschool. She got to go on her first field trip last Thursday to the Firestation. No chaperones were needed :( (Paul wanted to go on that one) I can imagine how cute all 15 4-5 year olds were! Mary did demonstrate the "stop, drop & roll"
She also has an appointment coming up with the ENT, hopefully we can get some answers to the constant stuffy and sinus infections she has.
Simon is CRAWLING!! Our house will never be the same! He is adorable, no more injured soldier army crawl. He's also pulling up on any and everything. Our house is in chaos from having to chase around him and pick up stuff he shouldn't get into (or that we should have put away!) He is really such a good baby and is always smiling :) He's usually in such good spirits, we forget he needs his naps!!
A quick update. I am usually not on the computer much and with my crazy work schedule, I am off to bed...yup at 8:15pm (late, even) so that I can be up at 3:15am!!!
We had a great time and it was way better than I expected.
Houghton has the State swim meet coming up next weekend. He has qualified for 4 events! He gets to miss school on Friday too! I am so proud of him. He seems genuinely excited but also nonchalant. He sees it as no big deal. I suppose that's good. He is also going to be moving into the next training group after the spring break. He'll be swimming 1&1/2 hours and 4-5 days a week. He's ready for it, he doesn't get worn out like he used to :)
Mary is enjoying her time at preschool. She got to go on her first field trip last Thursday to the Firestation. No chaperones were needed :( (Paul wanted to go on that one) I can imagine how cute all 15 4-5 year olds were! Mary did demonstrate the "stop, drop & roll"
She also has an appointment coming up with the ENT, hopefully we can get some answers to the constant stuffy and sinus infections she has.
Simon is CRAWLING!! Our house will never be the same! He is adorable, no more injured soldier army crawl. He's also pulling up on any and everything. Our house is in chaos from having to chase around him and pick up stuff he shouldn't get into (or that we should have put away!) He is really such a good baby and is always smiling :) He's usually in such good spirits, we forget he needs his naps!!
A quick update. I am usually not on the computer much and with my crazy work schedule, I am off to bed...yup at 8:15pm (late, even) so that I can be up at 3:15am!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Christmas and New Year's Resolutions
A quick note....Christmas was wonderful and we enjoyed the time with family. My New Year's Resolution, might be an 11 month resolution. I am going to start in February. Be a trendsetter, yup, that's me. Well, I shall return shortly, dinner awaits and might be slightly burned if I don't go now.....
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