Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I don't know what to do. Mary has had green nasty boogies and a cough to boot for at least 2 weeks. I know the weather is crazy and we've taken her to the doc but she just finished her 10 days of antibiotics and still...nasty. He says her lungs are clear and her cough is from the post nasal drip. She sounds so bad I know when we're out in public or around other kids and she coughs we get nasty stares. I can't help it. I try not to do much with them anyway but you can't avoid it. Simon is snotty too...his is definitely post nasal drip or such because you just want to clear your throat for him. We are using sinus washes which seem to offer a little relief. But with Houghton's asthma and the kids and their allergies (Paul too) I can't help but wonder if it's something else. We keep having this problem. I keep wondering if medicating everyone is just masking the real problem. I just don't know what that might be or where to begin. I can't help but be influenced by the horror stories of Mold, pesticides, old paint etc. I also am ready to rip up the carpet and have the ducts cleaned. It's expensive but I am getting really fed up with all the coughing and snotty noses.

Friday, May 22, 2009


So, while out on maternity leave I discovered that Walgreen's is going to lay off pharmacy technicians when they have some restructuring done. That means we don't know when that will be. I do know that I have to decide whether or not to choose the voluntary separation package by Monday at 5pm. I will still be able to work until the demand decreases (possibly around Aug). I unfortunately have so many what if's with this whole situation I am a wreck. I don't really want to job hunt again (I have 8 yrs w/walgreens) and yet, I don't want to compete with some subjective "assesment" process they have in place to keep your job. Yes, if you want to keep your job you have to basically go through an interview process all over again, and then possibly you could keep your job. So, I could go through all of this and still be laid off. The voluntary severance package is twice as good as the 'non-voluntary' package so now I have to gamble.

I am not a gambler. I play the nickel slots in Vegas and get a dime....I'm done...doubled my money moved on. I just don't feel comfortable doing that. So being sleep deprived and returning to work this week, I am an emotional wreck....I need a good cry.


Well, as the school year has drawn to a close, I am happy to say we have lessend our activities. Including Choir and Swim. Houghton is taking a break from swim due to scheduling issues.

With the choir we signed him up for summer voice lessons. One hour 4 days a week (just for one week).

We received his promotion letter yesterday in the mail. He was asked to stay back in the training choir again. He was disappointed (as I was) but he took it better than me. I know when he sings around the house it sounds more like me than Paul, but hey he's still my baby. I am trying to take it in stride like Houghton did. He was super. He shrugged it off and looked at the positive. I am amazed at how well of a job Paul and I have done. I on the other hand, want to really ask why is my boy not good enough?? I get defensive and feel really bad. I guess that's the protective mother in me.

Taking a cue from Houghton though, I am going to look at the bright side.....He won't be going away to camp (I wasn't ready for that yet!), I don't have to spend money on a new polo shirt (the pants are already too short!) The tuition cost doesn't go up! So really those are ok reasons and I am trying to get over it.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The economy hits home

So, in the great economic times Paul and I are thankful that we have job security. At least that's what I kept saying. I now however have learned that for me this is not the case. I have found out that Walgreens is cutting the technician work force in half. So everyone has to take these 'assesments' and then will be graded and then it will be determined where your skills are best utilized...if you get to keep your job. I have 8 years in and am pretty well liked so if that weighs in I might have hope. On the other hand I am more expensive so if it's purely money....bye-bye. I don't have all of the info yet but have to go attend a meeting. I hope my panic is short lived and I understand we're supposed to know by the end of June. They are also offering severance packages so hopefully that will alleviate some of the numbers.
My lesson I have learned here is that nothing is certain! Even in the booming pharmaceutical industry!!!

I wish I were in a better financial situation to just take the severance and stay home with the kids. If that were the case though, we wouldn't be having this conversation.