Friday, January 30, 2009

The Mother of all tantrums

Mary decided that when we got home she'd go see her 'friend' at his house. She talked about it in the car all the way home. She has had this 'friend' for quite a while now. She also knows that she can stay there....there is a bed for her too! Well, when we got home she proceeded to tell me that she's going to walk to her 'friends' house and that it's far. When I realized she wasn't going to stop at the end of the driveway, I asked where exactly is her 'friends' house and if it was far...shouldn't she wait until we could drive?? She proceeded to inform me that the house was by 7th St. (for those not's a VERY busy street about 3 blocks away) So realizing she really was going to go, I had to inform her that it was not safe for her to go. We were doing ok, she cried a little but let me take her into the house.....where she proceeded to scream her head off that she wanted to go outside....(out front) I tried to lure her to the backyard with thoughts of toys but nothing was deterring her. So I explained that she cannot play out front because someone might come by and take her and she'll never see her parents, friends, family etc again and she wouldn't like that. She paused and thought about it...but wasn't ready to give up. So....I picked her up and brought her inside where she then ran to her room and kicked and screamed (and I mean screamed!) for a few minutes. It was quite comical as I am too tired from a long day at work to argue ....and her tantrums are usually short if left without an audience. Which was then stopped when she brought me a kleenex so that I could wipe her nose which of course was running from all the crying/screaming. After that....she finally decided to watch a movie.

That did remind me of my favorite picture of Mary....It was taken in Tucson when we were there for the UofA vs. ASU fooball game at the beginning of Dec. It captures Mary in all her glory.....

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pack Rat

I know this... I am a pack rat. I like to keep everything. From sentimental momentos to papers etc that I might need someday. I know this....however, I have discovered I am an electronic pack rat as well. I decided to clean out my inbox. I just started deleting the oldest emails. I figured if it was from Jan of 2006...I probably don't need it. (or I can find the info again anyway) I was feeling strong. Now, I didn't realize how much anxiety this is causing me!!! I don't need to have sales from 2 years ago!!! I know this....but I can't seem to get over it. I am going to get past it and move on. I know this probably won't surprise Paul but well, it was a sort of revelation to me.

Friday, January 16, 2009


So, my most recent dilemna (aside from not blogging since waaaay before the holidays) is facebook or not to facebook?? Paul and I have had this discussion as well as one I had with Julia. I am not sure really that I have anything exciting or really any friends. What exactly would I do with it?? Not sure, especially seeing as I cannot keep up with blogging these days.

Speaking of which...I do have lots to talk about and pictures to post but I am currently on duty trying to get 2 wound up kids to clean up and go to bed since Paul has checked out to go study.
Lucky for me though he did clean the kitchen which had about 4 days of dirty pots and pans etc piled up. I might forget to mention it to him's awesome!!! With him studying, I get to do more dishes than I care to. Oh well......