Friday, November 14, 2008

The Big News

Ok, so I have realized that I never really came out and posted (but eluded too) the fact that we are pregnant!

We found out quite a bit ago but for obvious reasons kept it quiet for awhile. Things are going really well, my belly is expanding quite nicely....I have not gained really any weight yet. Not that I care too much but considering I was a bit heavier than I would prefer, this is a good start. The doc says all is well. ( I usually don't gain much more that the minimum anyway...yeah for me!!)
So far, no unusual cravings or aversions. I have been eating pickles though. By ice cream. The kids are really excited too!! Mary wants to have a "stister" (nope not a typo!) and Houghton and Paul are rooting for a boy. And for anyone who's a 50/50 chance and we'll just wait and see. It's such a cool surprise and we have lots of stuff left over from Mary that we're not really in need of much. We'll see though, if it's a boy, we'll need clothes!!!

We are excited though thinking to the future how much stuff we'll be getting rid of when the time comes!!!

We are officially due 4/11/09. This so happens to be Easter Vigil. It is a busy time for us since Paul is going through RCIA at church and will have his big ceremony on this day. My doc has said he won't let me go 41 weeks like I did with the other 2 but I am not so sure. Houghton will be making his 1st communion/confirmation on the 18th so really there is not any good time to have a baby in there. I am hoping maybe this one will come we'll see and cross that bridge when we get there....we must get through the holidays first!!


Ok, so after a long, busy day at work, I have made it home. Paul is out playing poker (he usually wins some money back!) and the kids are cuddled in our bed watching 'Tinkerbell' The Movie! doesn't get better than that!!! Well, maybe when the go to sleep but usually I am not far behind! I do have to thank Mom for schleping the kids around this afternoon and helping Mary help make dinner (leftovers). It was very nice to have dinner done when I got home (even though I was perfectly happy getting McD's)!

Mary has beed quite cooperative lately (knock on wood!!!!) and when she starts to melt down....we ignore it. It is AMAZING! It's all about the audience. You can also distract her..(look at that princess baby doll over there!!!) totally works!! Shameless I know but wayyy better than an obnoxiously screaming/yelling toddler!!!

I got to go for my 'big' ultrasound yesterday. It was way cool! I got to see lots of anatomy and a little baby in my belly. They even did 3D pics...the baby was not totally cooperating so it's a little fuzzy but still sooo cool!! It's amazing how far technology has come...even since Mary was born only 3 years ago. We got lots of pics as well as a DVD. As soon as I can figure out how to get it onto youtube or get Paul to do it...I'll post it!!! Just don't ask me to interpret...the pics are pretty cool and you can actually see stuff. (just not the gender!!!!)

In Houghton news, He has been doing well in school. He is also learning the ways of the procrastinator. Some of it is our (mine mostly) because I don't totally inspect his folder/assignments very thoroughly some days. I feel however, that he should be responsible and I shouldn't necessarily be hounding him 24/7 about his stuff. Everytime I get lax, I realize he's not quite there yet....he needs to be nagged!!! UGH....I hate it!! Why can't he just do his homework....and not at the last minute????
In better news, He has a swim meet coming up and we found out today that he gets to swim in the "qualifing" sessions. He apparently has regional qualifying times for his age group. I am not sure exactly what that means but it's a pretty cool accomplishment since only 3 other kids from his group qualified too!!! I was surprised because I figured he was a bit young to reach those marks yet...I didn't really keep track!!

Mary is as adorable and crazy as ever. I really do call her crazy and sometimes when I think about it I hope it's not a self-fulfillng prophecy for her. I flash forward in my head and picture her all cute and on anti-psychotic medications. I think that though might be just a job hazard I have. Go figure. I am just enjoying the past few days with no major meltdowns. I have been able to get out the door 10 minutes earlier to work every's so nice to not start out the day wanting to wring your daughter's neck!!