Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hold on a second...
Mary is too big for her britches.
While coloring she says...
"Hey Mom, Hold on a second, I have something to tell you"
Then proceeds to recite her ABC's, a little out of order but not to bad!
She is also currently putting her baby and lamb (yes, Mary has a little lamb :) in time out!
(She knows all about that)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Rain, Rain Go Away....
Where am I going with this you ask? I'll tell you. We got a ton of rain starting in the middle of the night Sat. night.(early Sun I guess) and it just so happened to coincide with Houghton's swim meet weekend. Not so bad however, at the pool there is no cover...NONE!! So, being the good sport Paul stayed home with Mary (studying and napping). I schlepped our canopy and chairs to the meet along with the tarp sides. It turned out to be wonderfully dry except the ground. So, we kept thing off the ground as best we could. Well, the more people and canopies/tents that arrived and put up in limited space we had occasional "dumps" (rain tha collected in on the canopies/tents the due to the weight dumped on unsuspecting people!) We would have remained fairly dry and somewhat warm but there was a ton of rain (we were in the Far West Valley where they get all the rain) and the kids were in and out of the (heated) pool. So after much work, I accepted the fact that we will be soaked.
By the time we arrived home (close to 7pm) Houghton and I were drenched. We laid out our clothes jackets etc. We had to take off our shoes & socks outside. We did warm up after some dry clothes and warm dinner. I have all of the chairs, coolers, and the canopy out in the carport air drying. (which might take a while since it's still raining today and more is expected by Wed.
Like I said....we do live in the desert....why so much rain?
Logically, I know we need it...but really, why can't it happen on my terms...when I can curl up on the couch with a good book???
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Swim Chicago

Here's Houghton swimming today. He swam the 50 yard backstroke, 50Y Butterfly and 100Y freestyle. He dropped time in all events and improves with every meet. He and I are having such fun. It is really giving him a sense that this is also a "team sport" He is the youngest and has a lot of kids to look up to. He is also learning to fend for himself during the meet. Only swimmers and coaches are allowed down on the deck. He has to be responsible for all of his stuff. It does make me nervous but so far so good. (nothing lost or broken-yet)
It is really cold...about 2 degrees at 4pm. Houghton is taking it well. It's not so bad for me as long as the wind doesn't blow. And that does not happen in Chicago!
It is nice as well that he gets to swim in the afternoon session. Usually we have to be up with the sun. This time around we don't have to be at the pool until 11:45am!!
(in the top Pic he's in the top lane and bottom lane in the bottom pic --he wears the white cap)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Yes, I have been lazy
I am still working and Paul is busy studying for the final exam!!!
He has realized that in only 4 short months he could be done studying....for good!!! That realization has put a little bit of spunk into his step. He did get mad at me for making him study tonite after a long day and a good dinner out. He wanted to be lazy and relax with a food coma. NOPE not tonite!! Plus I wanted my own time!!
I do wonder what will happen when he has nothing to do in the evenings/weekends. I am not sure how long it will be before we're on each other's nerves. I am looking forward to finding out though. Maybe I'll start studying (go back to school?) Hmmmm....we'll see.