Wednesday, December 19, 2007



Yeah only one more left!! I am sooo excited...we're halfway to Seattle!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

To Do Lists

I am the type of person that has lists...everywhere. If I have to remember anything, I write it down. I haven't been doing this for a couple of days so I finally sat down the other day and made a master list.

I made arrangements today to have the kids taken care of. Mary stayed with a friend until Paul picked her up on his way home and another friend took Houghton (and her daughter) to swim.

I am very excited to say I knocked out most of my To Do List!!! I relish the time I have to get errands done sans children...It makes them so much faster and I enjoy the peace of just staring out into space while waiting in line. (at the post office no less!!)

Yeah Me!!! I feel so much better!

Monday, December 10, 2007


So, I am feeling the stress of the Holidays. I really wish I had more time. Doesn't everyone?
I am trying really hard to relax and get into action instead of deciding to do nothing (until the last minute) As I usally do. I had a great weekend and was not home until late afternoon Sunday. I actually didn't mind and my darling husband did laundry. Scary but it turned out O.K. I did have a day of retail therapy and I am much better.

I am trying to get out my Christmas cards but am disappointed we didn't get a family pic to put in or on them. The time we had to get it done was about the time we were all snotty and sick. Fortunately it was gone fairly quickly but we'd all have looked like rudolph. Oh, well, it is the thought that counts right?

Oh and on a totally different 'Stranger than Fiction' it's a great movie...totally unexpected!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Dress Up

Mary has discovered "dress-up" She decided one day when she was home with Daddy that she wanted her 'butterfly' When I got home Paul informed me he figured out what she wanted but wouldn't let her have it since he thought I wouldn't like it.

But I LOVE it!! Mary wanted her halloween costume!! I let her wear it (which is really a fairy)
So lately she has been wearing her butterfly around and being all cute and calling herself a princess!

I love that she loves to dress up and dance around!!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Time Warp

I don't know how it happens. I get on the computer to check my mail and see what's going on in the world and ZAP! Next thing I know, it's like an hour later. The kids are running around late for the bedtime routine and the kitchen is messier somehow and laundry goes unfolded.
I am not sure how this happens all I know it that I learn all that I want to do, again. I sit here and think about all of the things I have not done, that need to get done. I have decided to do more....tomorrow.

I am also stuck in the perpetual cycle.....I want things, I don't want to work, working allows me to have those things that I want but I still don't want to work ...HELP!! I am a stay-at-home mom stuck in a working womans body.

Ok I am done for now...Mary has dumped epsom salts all over the counter and is running around with the bag of mini-marshmallows.....