Thursday, May 31, 2007


All went well with the surgery yesterday. I am feeling well, a little tired & sore but otherwise pretty well. I do feel a little worse this morning but I think it's because I haven't had a lot to drink yet. (or pain meds) They take care of it and it helps me function. I was able to eat yesterday too, which I think helped. Paul is home with me the rest of the week and I am looking forward to resting up! Now off to eat some pudding ....and pain meds!

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Well, my old machines have finally bit the dust! Yeah for me! I did a Paul and researched what I wanted for my money. I also waited until this weekend for a sale. I think I got a good deal. Now I have a front loading washer and dryer! Very pretty! The only problem came up when they could not be stacked. I thought it would be nice to have more space but unfortuately the plugs etc are too far apart to accomplish. So I decided to go make another trip to Lowe's and purchase the pedastals. (the machines are really low to the ground) Now the one thing I did not realize until the pedastals were home and unloaded is that they have brackets that attach to the machines. Now if I had paid attention when I bought the washer/dryer, I would have just gotten the pedastals from the get go and they guys who bring and instal them would have taken care of it. Now I am living up to my nickname (given by Paul) high maintenance. We now have to disconnect the washer/dryer and put them on & attach them to the base. I am still very happy....especially since it was a really go deal and they only had one set in the store (besides the display).

So I'll let you know how the clothes actually turn out!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

A little less to love....

I am finally having the surgery I should have had years ago. I am having my tonsils taken out next Wednesday the 30th. I was exicted about it until the ENT doc freaked me out about how painful it's going to be. I am really nervous but I've stocked up on gatorade. I am hoping that I'll get to jump start my diet since I won't be able to eat as much!! We'll see I guess. I'll keep you posted!

Hi ho, Hi ho, It's off to work I go....

I am returning to work....sort of. I was back working the ungodly hours when lo and behold, I was offered a promotion of sorts. A normal store (not 24 hrs) and still only a 24 hr work week with a pay raise. It took a little thinking and logistical work but I accepted. This weekend will be my last at the crazy hours. I am looking forward to it but it will pose it's own challenges. Wish me luck!!

Saturday, May 05, 2007

What time is it??

Yes, I just wanted to say 'hello' at 3am...I have arrived home from work and am trying to chill so I can finally go to sleep! I wanted to make sure it was documented that I am up at an ungodly hour and when you hear me complain you might just feel a little eensy bit sorry for the choices I made!! :) (insert playing of small violin here!)

Night, night~~~

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Just keep swimming....just keep swimming....

It's my new mantra, given that I have seen "Finding Nemo" for the 25th time in 5 days. At least. I do love the movie but I could recite it in my sleep.
Mary & I have been sick for the last 10 days or so. It started as allergies/cold whatever. Now we're both on antibiotics and slowly getting better (I think) Mary is on breathing treatments...hence the many repeats of "Finding Nemo" It really is the only thing that keeps her still for the treatment. We tried "Cinderella" but that didn't work....she kept asking for the "bishies" (Mary speak for fishies!)

She is also anti-breakfast food....she can't get enough of the chewy granola bars. As for a snack that's ok but not for breakfast....We are also eating our fill of "kickies" (Mary speak for chicken nuggets) She will eat them at any time and will stand at the freezer and scream "KICKIES" first thing in the morning. I have no problem with that but it is a little odd. I do have to make sure I feed her a good variety of stuff without too much processed crap.

That leads me to my new quest. Feeding my family (and me) more fresh foods. I am trying to incorporate more fresh veggies and whole grains with our meals. It can be more expensive grocery-wise but I am confidant it's worth it. Don't worry I still make my many deserts! I am trying to get my butt in gear and start working out.....Paul thought it would be a good idea to get the "dance, dance revolution" for the playstation. It would be funny to see all of us dancing around and getting a workout at the same time. Houghton is even excited since he has done it in gym class. We'll keep ya posted!