Monday, June 26, 2006

Aren't they cute? Houghton loves his little sister...and as you can see, she's not quite so sure what to make of it!! I have to keep reminding Houghton though, "just wait until she's moving!!"


Well, vacation was great. We even had time to recover when we got back! Mary went for her 9 mo check-up and promptly got sick. She is still running a pretty high fever and we (the doc and us) cannot figure out what's up...she seems to be getting over it and is doing pretty well, all things considered. I, on the other hand (and Paul too) have been getting very little sleep...It's like when she first came home all over again. I have been trying to do most of the work since Paul has to get up and go to work in the morning. Houghton is a trooper...fortunately his room is on the other side of the house!! Needless to say, not much has gotten done around the house! It's amazing how much time they take up when they are not feeling well!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Word of the Day

languor: lack of energy or vitality.

That describes completely how I feel today. I really have no energy....However now that the kids are napping...I might rectify the situation. (or at least attempt to)
Swimming is great however it takes a lot out of's very warm at 11am in Phoenix in June.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Information superhighway

Per a discussion we had while on vacation....I have determined the word of the day is "philtrum". It happens to be the indentation on the upper lip that everyone has but no one knows the name. We couldn't remember but I thought of it while 'surfing' and found it!! It took all of .....10 seconds for me to find it. What a great thing technology is....when I want...(otherwise it's a hassle).

Monday, June 05, 2006

Procrastination 101

That is the story of my life. I like to keep thinking it's because I work better under pressure but well, I am not so sure. Things are going well, I am still working but less and less each week!! It is exciting! I do have to say I am excited to be going on a date.....with Houghton!! Yup we are having a mom and son afternoon coming up. We are going to see Cars!! Since he doesn't usually like to watch movies (strange, I know)....I jumped at the chance to go when he saw the commercial and wanted to go.

We also had our first day of swim lessons today....Houghton almost forgot his goggles....TRAGEDY!!! I have to remind him that just asking works as well as freaking out!!! Mary on the other hand....LOVES IT!!! She kicks and splashes and drinks the water....we're working on that one!! It's even a workout for me!! (having to splash around in the baby pool gives the legs a workout!!!) One can only hope, I think I'll have to do much more than that to get into shape though.....