Wow! What a whirlwind of activity!
Houghton had another swim meet. It was an intrasquad meet/holiday party. Houghton is very enthusiastic about swim now....he got 2- 3rd place ribbons, one for backstroke and one for freestyle...this was for the 8 & under so most of the kids he was competing against are older!!! We are very proud of him!! He's even swimming when it's 50 degrees outside...the pool is warm but I am not sitting out waiting for him!! I do get good use of my winter coat though!!
Mary is now walking...she started on Dec 3rd. She is now actually getting up to walk (instead of crawling when she falls!!) I hope to have some video soon!! She still talks so much and carries her little baby around with her. She gives it a binky and pats it on the back! This really make me wonder about that whole nature/nuture thing. She does have the same access to cars, trucks etc. but, it's all baby!!
I am keeping busy helping in Houghton's classroom and trying to get my house in order so that it looks like I am doing a good job while I am staying at home....just don't open any closets!! :)
I got done making dozens of sugar cookies for Houghton's class party which is should be interesting! Trying to get things together for Christmas is a daunting task! So far I am still in the Christmas spirit....and the wine bottle is only half empty!!!
Bad news on the exam front....Paul found out he didn't pass.....I really had to try and be strong for him...I think this may have hit me harder than him....not sure since he really isn't emotional.
I am going to try really hard this time around to help keep him motivated (and me) and take advantage of the support system I have. Paul is really good at turning things around so I think if he can feel good about it and feel like he's ahead of the game we should be good. He will be retaking test #7 in the spring....if he passes this one he'll have his associate-ship (which is one step closer to being done!!!) He only has 3 exams left to take.....He is being supported well at work and they are all pushing him to be the best he can be so there he is in a good place.....just cross your fingers and pray.....we'll be on this roller coaster again in May.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Happy Holidays

Mary was very hungry at Thanksgiving dinner! She was upset when we took it away. We enjoyed a wonderful weekend at the cabin outside Payson. Paul and Houghton got to riding, I am not that brave yet and maybe will venture out in the future but for now Mary and I stay on the porch! We did leave early however, since I was sick and the increased elevation did not do well on my sinuses. Paul and Houghton were happy that we came home on Saturday so that on Sunday they could put up the Christmas lights. Paul was very "Clark-ish" in that we were the first in the neighborhood to have our lights up!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The British
On our way to swim lessons yesterday, Houghton informs me he told his teacher that we celebrate Hanukkah. I asked him when did we ever do that? He didn't have an answer. He did say that he learned that those who celebrate Hanukkah are British! After choking down my laugh and trying to be serious (I saw the error in his way); I asked, "British?" He said, "They have British names (those who celebrate Hanukkah). He said also that his teacher didn't think we had a "British" name. I informed Houghton that "British" are the people who are from Britain-a country. I asked, "do you mean 'Yiddish'?" He said yeah, it's a language.....Now that we were on the same page, I did inform him that we celebrate Christmas, not Hanukkah. And I was not about to get into the reasons/differences of the 2 religions....He didn't seem to mind either.
Go Cats!
So a few weeks ago now...we were in Tucson for the U of A vs. Cal football game
Houghton and Mary were decked out for it (thanks to Aunt Julia)
It happened to be homecoming weekend and Houghton loved the parade!
Julia and Rene put on a HUGE spread and fed us well!!
They even had satellite TV so we could watch the game
We had tickets to the game but well, it was more fun to tailgate!
Hougton got to play football and futbol and Mary got to crawl around.
She did however finally stand herself up then she didn't know what to do so she crawled!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Happy Halloween

Houghton and Mary had a blast!! Our Neighbors had a little party before we all went trick-or-treating. Houghton wore everyone out...including me! We scoured the neighborhood!! Mary was a trooper...I think because she got to ride in the stroller!
I have since confiscated the least the good stuff!!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Doody, Doody
This is great!! (Only because it didn't happen to me!)
Paul was giving the kids a bath right before choir practice and right after dinner.
Houghton said "Uh-Oh, Mary pooped!!" and Poop she did!! It filled her tub....which divides the tub so Houghton can have some space and Mary is still too little for the big tub! Paul promptly threw the kids out and was grossed out....but the good guy he is cleaned out the tubs!! And scrubbed his arms and left for choir!! Mary was quite amused with herself and I had a good chuckle too!! I don't think Houghton ever did that when he was little and this is the first time Mary has so maybe we're blessed?? Then I wondered....has this happened to anyone else?
Paul was giving the kids a bath right before choir practice and right after dinner.
Houghton said "Uh-Oh, Mary pooped!!" and Poop she did!! It filled her tub....which divides the tub so Houghton can have some space and Mary is still too little for the big tub! Paul promptly threw the kids out and was grossed out....but the good guy he is cleaned out the tubs!! And scrubbed his arms and left for choir!! Mary was quite amused with herself and I had a good chuckle too!! I don't think Houghton ever did that when he was little and this is the first time Mary has so maybe we're blessed?? Then I wondered....has this happened to anyone else?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
This is for you Tio Rene-
This is his other passion....he only agreed to continue swimming as long as it didn't interfere with soccer!! He loves it and is really improving. He got to play goalie at the last game (Sat) and did great....he really paid attention. The kids on his team are learning the positions and how to play as a team(not just all chase after the ball!) His control of the ball is great....the hardest part is getting them to follow the ball....they'll kick it then forget to keep going!! Houghton's not afraid to get in there and get the ball....he's really loving it!!
This is his other passion....he only agreed to continue swimming as long as it didn't interfere with soccer!! He loves it and is really improving. He got to play goalie at the last game (Sat) and did great....he really paid attention. The kids on his team are learning the positions and how to play as a team(not just all chase after the ball!) His control of the ball is great....the hardest part is getting them to follow the ball....they'll kick it then forget to keep going!! Houghton's not afraid to get in there and get the ball....he's really loving it!!

My Little Swimmer

My little swimmer....this is Houghton at his first swim meet (2 weeks ago). He did great...he swam 25Y backstroke and freestyle. It was a non-timed event but he did it!! His coach says his backstroke is great!! He's a fish and I would never have guessed that the backstroke would be his best/favorite event.....when he was first learning to swim, he wouldn't even lay on his back in the water...He would throw a HUGE fit!!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wow, it doesn't seem like 2 weeks since I last updated. Well, Mary is sick, again, the same snot ridden head and cough as before. I am told it's only a cold but well, I might be seeing the doc again soon. I took her and Houghton last week for shots. A flu shot for Houghton and Mary's one year stuff. They were great...Houghton cried before he even got the shot and when it was done said, "that was it??". I think he was being influenced by his sister. Her shots were in the arm and she didn't like it. We had a busy weekend and the soccer game was rained out. It has now officially gotten "chilly". I think if I said cold, everyone who lives where it's actually cold might want to hurt me. Lets say I need a sweater at night and we are eating dinner on the patio....except I am still getting bit by mosquitoes. (Only me!!) Paul is getting closer to his exam and I am getting nervous. I know he is too but I am trying to be supportive and not the "slave driver" He's been great though....For getting a little extra study time in the late afternoon, he makes dinner while I get the kids to the various activities!!! Besides...I usually pick something to grill....Then he has an excuse to have a beer!!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
As of last Monday, I am officially a stay-at-home mom! If you would've asked me 6 years ago what I thought....I would say you were crazy. So a little time goes by, another kid in the mix....and I LOVE IT!! Granted it's only been a week and a half, but I have big plans. I get to spend time being lazy, playing with Mary (who has the best giggles around!), take Houghton to various activities and even have play dates!! Being so busy this past week I wonder how I ever thought school would fit in. I haven't even found it a challenge to stay out of stores. I really don't have the desire to shop these days!!! OOOOOH!!! What was that .....yes and for 2 reasons...1)girls clothes, shoes etc, there are tooo many to choose from and Mary made out like a bandit for her birthday (thanks guys!!) She is sooo set for the fall/winter!! and 2) Yes, I am getting over being sick. I am still figuring out how to manage laundry, TTS, and dinner all in a days work....and I am still rebelling against my mom.....I hate housework!!! (but I do it anyway!)
The Sick House!
Well, to update, Paul came back from Chicago (actuarial seminar) and got everyone sick. As to whether this is true or not I am not entirely sure. Paul is now either sick again or it got to him finally. He has been a trooper, as much as men can, (I know how sexist....But it's true!) he is on the mend and I am on the quest to disinfect the house.
Friday, September 08, 2006
The Mayfield Drama
A little out of order but I think you get the idea....
This is what we have now...

This is pretty
much what our ceiling looked like after the first "sprinkle
Last week we (Houghton) discovered the small problem of a puddle where one shouldn't be. After calling the plumber and the insurance company we breathed a little easier. However, one week later (exactly), the aforementioned leak, was now a "burst". This I discovered at 4am when I thought the rain was really loud and went to check it out. Paul meanwhile was enjoying sleeping through the rain...until I yelled "OH CRAP" and while I could do nothing more than gape...Paul ran out and shut off the water main. After seeing the plumber (again) and calling the insurance co. (again) we now have a hole for a ceiling in the dining room. We have also seen the appraiser twice and I am scheming to see how much remodeling I can get out of Paul. (So far so good...but we haven't got an estimate on the kitchen yet!)
Thank you John!
The Big girl
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Rain, Rain don't go away....
It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring.....
I cannot believe it....rain!!! Last night AND this morning! Not just sprinkles...honest to goodness RAIN!!! Thunder and all!!! The best part is, Mary slept through it and it ended in time for Houghtons bedtime (last night)!! So I got to sleep as well! It was great! AND....this morning in my 8am lab (with a tin roof) poured again!!! The lights even flickered on and off several times!! VERY EXCITING!!
Yes, here, in the desert, we get excited over a little rain!!! It's great!!! It has made my day!! I just hope the sun stays away so it won't be hot and humid later!!! (always a possibility!)
I cannot believe it....rain!!! Last night AND this morning! Not just sprinkles...honest to goodness RAIN!!! Thunder and all!!! The best part is, Mary slept through it and it ended in time for Houghtons bedtime (last night)!! So I got to sleep as well! It was great! AND....this morning in my 8am lab (with a tin roof) poured again!!! The lights even flickered on and off several times!! VERY EXCITING!!
Yes, here, in the desert, we get excited over a little rain!!! It's great!!! It has made my day!! I just hope the sun stays away so it won't be hot and humid later!!! (always a possibility!)
Yeah!! School has started....let the marathon begin! Houghton and I have started school. I am excited and the classes seem ok. Houghton is having a blast with his new class. He was perplexed that he only had one teacher. (in Kindergarten he had 2) He is enjoying the new playground, as am I (it has no sand!!). We have back to school night this Thurs. so we'll get the meet and greet! I do have pictures however, not accessable right now (on the laptop). Houghton has also started Brohpy swim club and announced after the first class that he "loves it".
Monday, August 14, 2006
I have finished working my obligated hours for the month of Aug. I do enjoy it more now then when I was doing it day in and day out. I guess now that I have time to do other things and spend more time with the kids it's nice. We are gearing up for school, which starts next week. (for me and Houghton). Fortunately I doesn't get cool around here until Oct. so we don't have to rush out and get to many school clothes yet!! I have plenty of activities planned for the coming months and with school and Houghtons activities I am already feeling the crunch. I do think that we'll get into the groove and with planning it might actually be enjoyable! Houghton has decided to do swimming and soccer....I know...the dreaded oversheduling....we're going to see how it goes. I have no problem suspending either activity!! Mary on the other hand well she talks as much as her mamma!! She has a lot to say, just not sure what it is. She'll let ya know if you don't have it right though!! She is a doll. I call her my little Irish baby....She's got blue eyes and I think reddish blonde hair (not too much of it though). Right now we're working on the sleeping through the night thing. She was doing great for a while but it seems that every so often we have to do it again. Fortunately for me, I don't have anywhere to be in the mornings. Doesn't make it easier in the middle of the night though!! Ok well,enough rambling for now....more pictures soon!!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Well, I suppose my job of keeping up is not going so well. I am happy to report: I am done with school for the summer, Houghton is finishing up swim lessons and getting ready for first grade. Mary is starting to pull herself up and has gotten her top 2 teeth, Paul is studying away for the next exam and working hard. That has been us in a nutshell for the past month. I am finally taking a breather! We are going to take a little "mini-vacation" to Tucson this weekend, a much needed little break to celebrate the end of summer (or at least getting ready for the school year). I have also been slacking on the job of taking pictures....I do have some though!! Houghton was taking to sessions of swim lessons for a few weeks. We were trying out a new swim school to see if he might be interested in swimming in the fall. He decided to go with soccer. (He would swim too but soccer comes first!) I am trying to get him involved with stuff but not at the expense of the dreaded overscheduling!! (for him and for me!)
Monday, June 26, 2006
Well, vacation was great. We even had time to recover when we got back! Mary went for her 9 mo check-up and promptly got sick. She is still running a pretty high fever and we (the doc and us) cannot figure out what's up...she seems to be getting over it and is doing pretty well, all things considered. I, on the other hand (and Paul too) have been getting very little sleep...It's like when she first came home all over again. I have been trying to do most of the work since Paul has to get up and go to work in the morning. Houghton is a trooper...fortunately his room is on the other side of the house!! Needless to say, not much has gotten done around the house! It's amazing how much time they take up when they are not feeling well!!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Word of the Day
languor: lack of energy or vitality.
That describes completely how I feel today. I really have no energy....However now that the kids are napping...I might rectify the situation. (or at least attempt to)
Swimming is great however it takes a lot out of's very warm at 11am in Phoenix in June.
That describes completely how I feel today. I really have no energy....However now that the kids are napping...I might rectify the situation. (or at least attempt to)
Swimming is great however it takes a lot out of's very warm at 11am in Phoenix in June.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Information superhighway
Per a discussion we had while on vacation....I have determined the word of the day is "philtrum". It happens to be the indentation on the upper lip that everyone has but no one knows the name. We couldn't remember but I thought of it while 'surfing' and found it!! It took all of .....10 seconds for me to find it. What a great thing technology is....when I want...(otherwise it's a hassle).
Monday, June 05, 2006
Procrastination 101
That is the story of my life. I like to keep thinking it's because I work better under pressure but well, I am not so sure. Things are going well, I am still working but less and less each week!! It is exciting! I do have to say I am excited to be going on a date.....with Houghton!! Yup we are having a mom and son afternoon coming up. We are going to see Cars!! Since he doesn't usually like to watch movies (strange, I know)....I jumped at the chance to go when he saw the commercial and wanted to go.
We also had our first day of swim lessons today....Houghton almost forgot his goggles....TRAGEDY!!! I have to remind him that just asking works as well as freaking out!!! Mary on the other hand....LOVES IT!!! She kicks and splashes and drinks the water....we're working on that one!! It's even a workout for me!! (having to splash around in the baby pool gives the legs a workout!!!) One can only hope, I think I'll have to do much more than that to get into shape though.....
We also had our first day of swim lessons today....Houghton almost forgot his goggles....TRAGEDY!!! I have to remind him that just asking works as well as freaking out!!! Mary on the other hand....LOVES IT!!! She kicks and splashes and drinks the water....we're working on that one!! It's even a workout for me!! (having to splash around in the baby pool gives the legs a workout!!!) One can only hope, I think I'll have to do much more than that to get into shape though.....
Friday, May 26, 2006
Ok! I am trying out this new technology...let's see how it goes! I am hoping I don't drive Paul crazy with all of my questions ( I am sure they'll be plenty) I hope this will help me keep in touch with friends and family. I hope to also publish photos since I cannot seem to mail them out in a timely fashion!
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